Posted on 05/14/2018 3:57:24 PM PDT by DarthVader
Missouri state prosecutors have dropped their criminal case against the Republican governor.
Gov. Eric Greitens had been accused of invasion of privacy for taking a nude picture of the woman with whom hed been having an affair.
According to ABC News, prosecutors still want charges brought against the governor, but want a special prosecutor to bring them later.
Prosecutors have acknowledged not having the supposed picture.
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“Prosecutors have acknowledged not having the supposed picture.”
Sounds just like FR as you guys always need a picture to determine guilt. especially Laz... he’s pretty lenient
This is the invasion of privacy charge. The felony computer tampering charge is still out there.
The b*tches in the MOGOP can go to hell for trying to impeach Greitens.
He wasn’t guilty of doing anything wrong.
Hmm. The governor was accused of taking a picture without the subject’s permission. But the “picture” may never have existed. The prosecution certainly never got their hands on it.
Reminds me of “lawfare” against Governor Palin and of course the “lawfare” against President Trump.
Good luck proving it.
It smelled like and looked like a political setup.
Soros wanted to bring him down.
Circuit Judge Rex Burlison’s “unprecedented” order “places the Circuit Attorney in the impossible position of being a witness, subject to cross-examination within the offer of proof by her own subordinates,”
Unclear at this hour was the statute of limitations issue. Gardner took the case to the grand jury quickly because the statute of limitations was soon to expire.
Defense lawyers wanted to call Gardner because for weeks they have accused her of misconduct. They said she allowed a former lead investigator in the case to commit perjury.
The statement called the tactic part of “a scorched-earth legal and media strategy” that included attacks on “the intentions, character and integrity of every person involved in investigating the Governor’s behavior including Missouri House Committee members, the Attorney General, the Circuit Attorney and her team, his victim, her family and those who have called for his resignation,” Ryan’s statement said.
The defense has accused investigator William Don Tisaby of putting words in the mouth of witnesses and removing information favorable to Greitens from reports. He said in a sworn statement that he didnt take notes during his interviews, but was caught on video taking notes. Tisaby asserted his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in a second deposition, and Burlison had seemed unwilling to allow the defense to call him. Prosecutors have said Tisaby was used only to locate and interview a few witnesses, and they never planned to call him at trial.
The case was dismissed as investigators were unable to find data or photographic evidence to bolster their case in Greitens’ phone, email or Apple iCloud account. There also was no evidence that a photo had been deleted on the day Greitens’ relationship with his hairdresser first became sexual, in 2015, before he publicly announced his run for governor.
Bring charges for nekkid picture.
Don’t have nekkid picture.
This prosecutorial team is well on its way to DOJ level performance. They are going places.
“The felony computer tampering charge is still out there.”
“He still faces a felony charge of computer tampering for allegedly taking without permission a donor list from a charity he co-founded.”
Every one lies about computer tampering.
This too, is a nothingburger.
Whatever happened to sex between consulting adults? That’s all I heard 20 years ago
Witch hunt by a witch, Gardner.
Way out of bounds and certainly misconduct.
Harvard Law Professor Ronald Sullivan and St Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner are assisting the prosecution
according to the liberal mental defectives-— just as in the Justice Thomas confirmation hearing:
“the evidence is not what is’s the seriousness of the charge that matters !”
“Sounds just like FR as you guys always need a picture to determine guilt. especially Laz... hes pretty lenient”
Of course we do ...both for the “victim” and the taste of the perp.
Another Democratic witch hunt
Greitens’ attorneys have criticized Gardner’s handling of the case, particularly her hiring of private investigator William Tisaby, who Greitens’ lawyers have accused of perjury.
Because of the questions surrounding Tisaby’s credibility, Gardner’s presence in the interviews he conducted opened her up to being a witness.
“When we started to learn the investigator, Tisaby, was going to have problems, Kim Gardner being part of those interviews becomes an important part to the defenses case,” said defense attorney and legal expert Kristi Flint. “Having the problems with Tisaby, and his credibility issues, then put Gardner as a witness because her investigator is no longer there for her.”
Given the problems with this case, the fact they dont have a photograph, the fact they stopped looking for a photograph, the fact they dont have anyone who saw a photograph or that it was transmitted to someone, its going to be a difficult case” Flint added “I imagine there is going to be a lot of thinking before its filed again.”
Greitens was accused of taking and transmitting a nonconsensual photo of an at least partially nude woman with whom he had an affair in 2015.
The woman, who has been identified only as K.S. in court filings, has testified that Greitens bound her hands to exercise equipment in March 2015 in the basement of his St. Louis home, blindfolded her and removed her clothes before she saw a flash and heard what sounded like the click of a cell phone camera. She has said Greitens threatened to disseminate the photo if she spoke of their encounter but later told her he had deleted it.
Must be from Missouri.
Like with Trump, the actual charge is salacious in order to bring down his personal approval numbers. Whether it’s criminal or not is beside the point.
Watusi affirmative action attorneys are the disease! Disbarment is the cure!!
“Show Me” State bump
The gals there are not kidding:)
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