For some reason, I never keyed off the Goldman Sachs thing. I may have mentioned it at times, but it wasn’t like a deal killer for me.
What I was absolutely sure of, was that if Trump’s wife had worked there, it would have been an absolute deal killer for the Cruz supporters. Being Cruz’s wife, no way...
Yes, Ted seemingly does good things at times. It’s only later that you find out that things weren’t exactly as they seemed.
After the handking out of Teddy Bears to the children of illegals, Ted swore he was solid on illegal immigration. Back in 1999, he advised then candidate George Bush on illegal immigration, and he sure wasn’t pro hard-line then.
Ted seems to bend any way the wind blows. “Okay, that will work right now, but remind me to have an explanation ready in 12 months.”
I think Cruz’s forte is in the courtroom, not the backroom.
I still unreservedly support him for the SCOTUS.