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Police Responding To Possible Shooting At California High School
Yahoo! ^
| 05/11/18
Posted on 05/11/2018 7:57:15 AM PDT by Simon Green
Police in Palmdale, California, are responding to reports of shots fired at a high school.
Numerous 911 calls came in Friday morning about an incident at Highland High School. The school is on lockdown while police respond, a spokesman for the Palmdale Sheriffs Station told HuffPost.
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TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: banglist; calif; california; falseflag; highlandhigh; possible; schoolshooting; shooting
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To: Simon Green
Man with gun seen. Police and paramedics responding to report of at least one gunshot wound.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:01:20 AM PDT
Steely Tom
([Seth Rich] == [the Democrat's John Dean])
To: Simon Green
Not possible. Guns aren’t allowed within 1000 feet of schools. It’s the law.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:02:26 AM PDT
(Lord, please forgive me...)
To: Simon Green
Just in time to obscure Trump’s progress in Korea. How predictable.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:03:24 AM PDT
(You cannot invade the mainland US. There'd be a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
To: Simon Green
Wait just a darn minute... isn’t that a “gun-free zone”????
Didn’t anyone tell that guy?
Maybe the signs aren’t big enough...
posted on
05/11/2018 8:04:06 AM PDT
Mr. K
(No consequence of repealing Obamacare is worse than Obamacare itself.)
To: Simon Green
It’s just Kommies shooting Kommies.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:04:41 AM PDT
(uired to)
To: Simon Green
I went to Palmdale High 1967-1968. There was no Highland High then. Google says 4,000 students.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:05:52 AM PDT
To: Defenestrator
I agree. I bet the NRA sent someone to the school to terrify the kids. David Hogg knows.
To: Simon Green
The pattern will be the same - sheriff will spin what happened - no clear picture - the shooter was a known threat and nobody did anything - outrage - teddy bear monuments - anti-gun media cycle for weeks. Had to get one more school shooting in before summer.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Just in time to obscure Trumps progress in Korea. How predictable.We really ought to start predicting the 'mass shootings' before they occur.
Any time Trump has a victory, we will predict a school shooting, and maybe they will be shamed into not committing the orchestrated event.
The following will occur:
- The body count will be between 6 and 20.
- It will be an AR-15 rifle.
- It will be legally acquired.
- The shooter will be a known mentally-defective individual, probably on psychiatric medication.
- Within 5 days we will learn of some connection to the FBI.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:12:17 AM PDT
(What America needs is more Hogg control.)
To: Simon Green
California passed as many laws as they could to inhibit gun ownership in the state. All of those laws were sold on the idea they would end gun crimes.
Hmmm,... how is this possible?
posted on
05/11/2018 8:12:54 AM PDT
(01/26/18 DJIA 30 stocks $26,616.71 48.794% > open 11/07/16 215.71 from 50% increase 1.2183 yrs..)
To: 2ndDivisionVet; Lazamataz; Travis McGee
"...just in time to obscure Trumps progress in Korea. How predictable...."
If negotiations go well with North Korea at upcoming meetings, we can bet the whole paycheck there will be a heartbreaking and tragic domestic attack.
That is just how globalists roll as they cannot accept increasing international peace and tranquility.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:14:52 AM PDT
Blue Jays
( Rock hard ~ Ride free)
To: Simon Green
At least one person “hurt,” suspect in custody.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:15:16 AM PDT
Steely Tom
([Seth Rich] == [the Democrat's John Dean])
To: Simon Green; bagster; ransomnote
Possible false flag event, another one.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:15:37 AM PDT
("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
To: Steely Tom
Possible ‘long gun’.
Ar-15, guaranteed.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:16:01 AM PDT
(What America needs is more Hogg control.)
To: Lazamataz
Australia implemented all the gun controls and confiscations that the libfascists wish to repeat here, and yet it didn't stop the Aussie mass shooting yesterday at all.
But you know politicians. They feel compelled to "do something", no matter how stupid or counterproductive, just so long as the media will treat them to a warm tongue bath afterwards
posted on
05/11/2018 8:16:09 AM PDT
Sirius Lee
(In God We Trust, In Trump We MAGA)
To: SkyPilot
They really don’t care if they are obvious any more, do they?
posted on
05/11/2018 8:16:32 AM PDT
(What America needs is more Hogg control.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
The timing is always suspicious.
posted on
05/11/2018 8:16:52 AM PDT
To: Sirius Lee
Australia implemented all the gun controls and confiscations that the libfascists wish to repeat here, and yet it didn't stop the Aussie mass shooting yesterday at all. Liberal solution: MOAH GUN BANZ
posted on
05/11/2018 8:17:14 AM PDT
(What America needs is more Hogg control.)
To: Defenestrator; vette6387; ZULU; sheik yerbouty; SkyPilot
Jerry Brown, Xavier Becerra, Kamala Harris, Aunt Maxine, Gavin Newsom, et al. will rush to protect everyone with their Liberal words of Peace, Peace, Peace. We want your guns.
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