I spill so much more gas with the new design than I ever did with the old ones it’s not even close.
And it takes five to ten times as long to pour a gallon, so how many fumes escape in comparison to the old ones.
The whole thing is nonsense.
Did you ever see the WWII picture of the GIs speed fueling a tank?
They had a trough that held about 5- 5gallon jerry cans. They opened them and just set them in the trough upside down and the gasoline poured into the trough that drained into the tank’s fuel tank.
That’s how I fuel my lawn mower.
Yup. I've been filling gas engines for thirty years, and never spilled a drop that I can remember, until I had to use a gas can designed by a politician.
After spilling on the garage floor, my hands, my gloves, my shoes, and the outside of the engine, I finally got a big funnel, took the damn spout off, and dumped fuel directly from the open gas can into the gas tank through the funnel.
Of course I have to do this outside so fumes don't build up in the garage.
Infuriating, ridiculous. Far more dangerous than the old, simple spout and cap.
Mine cost four times what the previous can cost and broke within two years. American ingenuity - in reverse.
Hate those things. Crap design.
figFht them. fight them. Fight them.