So he basically insults whoever he is speaking to by suggesting that their skepticism is based on his illegitimate "talking points" rather than facts. That'll get him far.
Sounds like the Alinsky playbook. No coincidence l’m sure.
If I want to be a liberal, I’ll be a liberal.
Don’t try to fool me with smooth talking points. They’ll flop.
I’ve seen no evidence to indicate climate change is real - other than the fact liberals believe in it.
Then again, liberals believe in all kinds of things I don’t.
Libertarian must mean something different than it did a few years ago. Pushing for a new tax, to increase the power of a centralized government. Nothing is safe from being converged.
You tell the big lie. You tell it over & over and resistance to that lie begins to crumble
...or does it...
Do we believe the evidence of our eyes and the actual weather we experience? Do we acknowledge the disconnect between accurately predicting global weather to a tenth of a degree while unable to accurately predict a snow storm or rain in the next 2-3 days? Do we factor in the lies told, the data falsified or hidden with selection biases and fudge factors?
“Climate scientists” pushing global warming/ man made climate change should be drummed out of academia.
If arrogance isn’t a sin, it should be.
“libertarian-leaning Washington, DC, think tank he founded in 2014. He and his colleagues there are trying to build support for the passage of an aggressive federal carbon tax, “
Libertarians supporting carbon taxes. Now, he’s redefining libertarian to include those that want more taxes and a totalitarian carbon tax. Sort like a century ago when the term liberal, which had previously meant a person who supported free markets, limited government and individual rights was transformed into a person that supports big government and government conferred “rights”.
Apparently, he has forgotten what libertarians stand for, assuming he ever knew in the first place.
Actual libertarians, even the "libertarian-leaning", do not support aggressive taxation of any kind.
Science uses the scientific method.
Climate “science” does not mean use the scientific method.
Any questions?
"revenue-neutral tax"
First it was "court-ordered, science-based" in an earlier article, now it's "revenue-neutral tax".
I haven't heard an official announcement, but I'm beginning to suspect today is National Oxymoron Day.
So hes the typical salesman selling ice to eskimos. Great, lets build our economy and set our energy policies based on phony climate science. Target the gullible and greedy Eskimos, I mean Republicans.
I don't have conclusive facts to support this, but based on his own words, Jerry Taylor fits the profile of a bought-and-paid-for concern troll.
He sounds a lot like:
"I voted for Barack Obama and for Hillary Clinton, and for so many years I supported Planned Parenthood and a woman's choice to have an abortion, but after finding out that Planned Parenthood is a sham that is mainly in business to sell the body parts of aborted infants, I've changed my mind."
Yeah, most people would have some doubts about that.
MIT Technology Review is, at its heart, just as much a leftist-inspired propaganda organ as Scientific American.
I hope they didnt read Scott Adams new book. I like the Warmistas staying in shrieking totalitarian ex-wife mode to win the hearts and minds.
>>Hes president of the Niskanen Center, a libertarian-leaning Washington, DC, think tank he founded in 2014.
Libertarian huh?
>>He and his colleagues there are trying to build support for the passage of an aggressive federal carbon tax, through discussions with Washington insiders, with a particular focus on Republican legislators and their staff.
Oh, LiberALtarian. Ive know a few of those libertarians over the years.
So, IOW, he's a commie lib trying to steal more of the American people's money by raising taxes. You can still pollute and destroy da planet as long as you pay us to do it.
So he advocates pushing the fraudulent “science” of manmade global warming using the unethical and immoral science of mind-control.
Maybe he could persuade more people if he didn’t Pursue it with blinders on. Climate change is not a one cause problem, time to look at a complex resolution.
Since when do libertarians want to increase governmental power?