Tire burning scheduled to begin in 13 days to help celebrate “erf day” on 4/22. Keeping it warm is the goal. Guess these assclowns never lived near of above the arctic circle. Life’s a little tougher when it’s that friggin’ cold.
Global warming helps Russia in the Siberia and the Arctic - basis for an new anti-Russian conspiracy theory?
It’s getting colder, not warmer. Gore-bull warming is a lie.
Global warming is a big persuasion fail.
When people in NYC get hit with snowstorm after snowstorm in late spring, global warming takes a heavy hit.
There is no way to disentangle the ‘real truth’ about this topic.
Global Warming / Climate change- progressive/liberal man’s arrogant attempt to think he has more control over what goes on here on Earth than God and Mother Nature.
I have an idea - have everyone in Canada and the northern tier of the USA face South and blow as hard as they can to push the cold air south and out of this frozen tundra they call Minnesota.
We have been 20-30 degrees below the normal temperatures expected in March and early April.
Only the US has brought it’s carbon foot print down because of fracking and clean coal. Let Europe, China and India ketchup.
These wackos have become a dangerous existential threat to society. Time to clean them out.
I live in Long Island New York, grew up in New York city, this has been THE longest winter I ever remember, ever. We are now in spring, it’s April and STILL we are getting snow and record cold weather. If this is global warming I’d hate to see what global freezing is like. This global warming HOAX has been going on for decades, what is it with liberals and time when it comes to a hoax? Do they have no concept of it? Robert Mueller can investigate a hoax forever and the left thinks it’s just getting started.
I’m glad to know that while I’m freezing my butt off during unseasonably cold weather it’s due to global warming. Please save me Al!
Theres still hope on global warming if the world gets to work
But we have to do it right now or else. Just like the last 20 years these screaming headlines have proclaimed this and guess what, all those former deadlines past and still no warming. Huh, whoda thunk?
Does the Compost and Slimes just naturally suck up the left wing agenda no matter how far fetched it is?
Yes, yes and yes
Way to think for yourselves, you Stalwart Defenders of The First Amendment !!
“THE FIGHT against global warming is not hopeless.”
well, OF COURSE the propagandists must always proclaim “hope” for “stopping” climate change, because otherwise, if it was hopeless, then too many people would realize it would be pointless to enact the radical, leftist plan to destroy our economy, give our money away to other countries and regress our standard of living back to the stone age, because, well because it would be pointless ...
Snowing again today. But only the NE US was cold. I am in the mid west. But the rest of the world was really warm. 48K died from the cold this winter in the UK. Global warming global warming global warming.
Time to end the endless war on “global warming”.
Declare victory.
Declare defeat.
Just end the nonsense—and move on...hunt for Russian Unicorns...better use of MSM time...
We’re back to Globull Warming now?
I thought it went the way of Russian “collusion”.
I just can’t keep up.
I’ll do the 12 oz curls.
It was flurrying Saturday afternoon, April 7, in East Tennessee. I am still hoping for a little global warming.