Posted on 03/31/2018 10:54:39 AM PDT by rktman
A friend put me onto an excellent review of the movie Wind River, now on Netflix, about life and crime among the Arapaho Indians on the Wind River Reservation. The movie realistically depicts life on most any Indian reservation today the poverty, the solitude, the despair. The murders in the movie were committed by drunken whites, but they could have been Indians or Latinos or whatever.
For over a decade, I taught high school on the Navajo Reservation, where this movie could have been situated just as honestly. These people live with violence. The guy in Wind River laid it out in words, to the effect that there is no luck on the rez. Luck lives in cities. On the rez, you're strong or you die. Sometimes you die even if you are strong. Darwin lives here in ways alien to most Americans. Social pathology. Violence. Crime. Irresponsibility. Pain. Heartache. Much of this owes to drugs and alcohol. Much is self-induced. It's life in a red man's ghetto or a third-world country.
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If anyone deserves reparations its the American Indian. I cannot fathom why they are not allowed to own their reservation land? The beaucratic state is a monster to the native peoples.
I read somewhere that many Muslims were being resettled in Wyoming and other western states. So there may be some changes in crime rates, once they catch up to those last couple years. Most UCR statistics are 2-3 years old.
Wind river range is amazing
Climb mt square top
Reservation wonders are not real Indians, no matter what trappings they display, the real Indians and the majority of tribal peoples moved off the Reservations long ago.
Reservation are place of drug, poverty, despair and black magic run by the ruling families who use and manipulate the rest to gain benefits for themselves. The rest is hokum for the white eye to swallow.
The Tribes killed off those who lived here before them and, concealing that, use the “we were created here “ meme to justify their handouts - it is a system. They are and were no better or worse than any other group of people
Feeling sorry for them is their game; what ever they were in the past, i.e. their ‘culture, they are no longer - your bleeding heart equals the ruling families income. Get them off the welfare roles and off the reservations. End their special privileges as defined by SCOTUS.
There is no fault, no blame - it is a 19-20th century system that needs to end to be put out of its misery.
Not much climbing any more with neck and back issues. No more snowboarding or skiing either. Dang it. I’ll let you know when getting older starts to suck. LOL!
“deserves reparations”
No one deserves reparations. The taking of the land from the American indians and placing them on reservations was a bad thing accomplish 150 years ago and ceased under the General Allotment (Severalty) Act in 1887. The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, also known as the Howard-Wheeler Act, was sometimes called the Indian New Deal. It laid out new rights for Native Americans, reversed some of the earlier privatization of their common holdings, and encouraged tribal sovereignty and land management by tribes. Basically, it reversed their amount of poverty and opted them rights that has been extremely profitable and made a number of the tribes quite rich. And when you consider that some of the reservations are quite large, the availability of funds coming in still is happening.
I live in western Washington and almost all the land here is tribal owned and a high property tax is involved with the payout to the tribes. They also own a vast majority of the tobacco, alcohol, and casino gambling rights.
Two years ago, they decided they were going to hunt whale in the harbor area they said the old way while hunting an animal that is endangered. They used the US Navy sonar to find a couple and were pulled by Navy craft to get there even though the old way was to paddle. And they used a 50 plus caliber sharps they didn’t have in the last hunt in 1910 to shoot it rather than harpoon it and take the chance of the boat being sunk. The Navy pulled the dead whale up on the beach and after cutting a part of the animal up, they invited non-indian tourists to partake and left better than half of the animal to rot. This was done in 1999. They did it the next year, again, and didn’t do it after that. But they can if they want and the Navy will assist again if they want.
They are rich here, they are taxpayer supplemented, and they own most of the land and resources in the state. And they are not unusual.
The Navajo nation in the Utah area has a quarter of a million people in it and is roughly the size of West Virginia. The Navajo nation is supplemented, also, by the Mormon Church who also support the Hopi tribes. They work like the liberals and their welfare programs to build church membership. Just like the Pacific Islanders.
Now before you start in on me that I am an Indian hater, you need to know my wife is one quarter Cherokee, through her father, and we’re told from the state department she is a tribal princess from a tribe in Oklahoma. She’s never had the desire to find out which one or where it is located. And her grandparents were deceased before she was born. She could have received a subsidy from the government but like me, she feels it has nothing to do with who you are as what you want to be.
So before you feel sorry for the American Indian, you might check on how they are doing. Some are doing quite well. It just depends on how their thinking is going.
And as for violence, ever been to Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, San Francisco, LA South, or Seattle? The first three in particular kill people every night with state and federal laws in power. But that’s the only real difference between them and the reservations. It’s not really different except the use of tribal laws which are just as ineffective as the cities mentioned. It depends on your desires to improve. Not stay poor and paid for.
Yet, as elsewhere, too often, Dad isn't at home, and we know that intact families matter. It's a spiritual thing with a material solution: Dad, physically present at home with his kids and wife. Strong families turning out strong, confident people.
Liberals kicking dads out of the home EXCEPT in white liberal ELITE homes has been a disaster for everyone...
This is an excellent movie. Highly recommend it to all Freepers.
Wind river made the government and society the bad guys. Local security shooting it out with the feds.
There are good and bad guys in the government and society. The movie was well done. Might not have been the perfect way snowflakes like things to work out but it never does.
I call total BS on that. There is no such thing as a "tribal princess" except in the minds of Wannabe Indians like Fauxcahontas.
“There is no such thing as a “tribal princess”
In the history of the Cherokee Indian Nation, young ladies were called princesses by the incoming Europeans like the same word being used for young Jewish ladies sometimes called Jap in the northeast US. Just like they called the warriors braves (among other things like bucks or red devils that was considered derogatory). And some women were also called warriors as they fought beside their men in the 17 and 1800’s.
But if I had used the term “hiyuweji” no one would have understood it. And as the Nation didn’t have royalty as understood by the settlers, that is as close as they could get so they substituted another term. But if my changing that term to being a woman member of a tribe by blood from her father is more comfortable, so be it.
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