Posted on 03/22/2018 3:32:32 PM PDT by musicman
Agree. Bolton was speechless. LOL!
You are no Christian when you support those that demand and wag war to destroy Christianity and wipe it from the face of the Earth. Jesus wasn’t a cowardly wussy.
Totally agree. A big mistake,giving him influence. It was very gratifying to see Tucker Carlson show himself to be the only one on FOX to laugh in his face, after Bolton called him naive, and tell him, “I think my record is better than yours!” leaving Bolton rather stunned.
You must have been educated in a government school. Zero reading comprehension. Where did I say that I supported Islam or *anyone* waging war on us? You neocon turds are absolute morons! Many of you make Lindsay Graham look smart and balanced by comparison.
Read your Bible! They have been killing God's people since Adam was thrown out of the garden. Find out who the Hittites, Jebusites, Canaanites, ect were. Just go back to the descendants of Ham for the list of names and where they settled.
Galatians 4:28-31 tells us the children of the bondwoman have always persecuted those born of the Spirit and continue to this day to do so. Paul tells us to cast out the bondwoman and her son. We can't live together. Their book tells them to kill you and your family.
As for God, he will end up killing all of them coming against Israel. The Antichrist will be from the land of Assyria. Do a word search on "Assyrian" and you will see a complete description of the Antichrist. Even the Pharaoh that forgot Joseph was an Assyrian.
If you are waiting for peace in the ME, you will jump for joy when the Antichrist makes peace with Israel for 7 years. If you don't know what comes then, I can't help you.
Don't bring an M-16 to a nuclear war. ( Don't bring a knife to a gunfight)
One of the biggest problems we have today is the people voting Democrat for one reason or another and not realizing they are voting for abortion, gay marriage, banning prayer, God removed from the culture, ect. A few years back, God was voted out of the Democrat party at the convention. The speaker kept calling for vote after vote and it kept coming out that God was banned from their convention. Finally, the announcer called for a voice vote and declared that God was still supported in the Democrat party. You can't ban prayer in school and support sodomy and baby murder, and claim Christ. He will say "I never knew you" when you are face to face. You are judged by what you do, not what you say. Calling yourself a Christian is waaaay different than following His teachings. I'm not preaching works for salvation, but Jesus said if you are His, you will DO my commandments.
A good case could be made to overthrow the government to stop abortion and sodomy just for self protection. Our country was founded by Christians with guns because the king was not acting Godly. 9-11 and the finacial crash could be just the warning shot God gives before the "Big One". How far did God let Sodom go before He destroyed them?
I believe in treating everyone as an individual. God judges us as individuals. So how can we condemn an entire group, and wish to kill them all, without due process, if even a handful might be open to the Gospel?
No military action can lawfully be taken without a declaration of War or a threat of imminent attack.
No one has yet answered my question about whether we should kill the secular humanists. After all, they are waging war against our children in the government schools and other institutions. If we’re going to kill them to start, where do we stop?
Romans is one of my favorite books of the NT, and the last section of chapter 1 is highly relevant to current events.
We have become a wicked nation by virtue of our endorsement of abortion, homosexual whatever posing as marriage, and all the other social pathologies. Jesus said, pull the log out of our own eyes before pulling the speck out of our brother’s. We need to maintain a strong national defense, but we have no basis for moral leadership in the world as long as our own culture is circling the drain
Rumor control. Too many here love their rumors.
Ugh. Saw him defend nation building and the Obama invasions in North Africa against Tucker. Use to like Bolton, until I realized from that interview he is an unapologetic nation building cultist.
Just to chime in, but I now reject Protestant just war theory. If it saves the lives of US soldiers I say do what it takes - which is what happened in Dresden and Hiroshima.
Yes, loved him until that Tucker interview where he came off full globalist.
Loved that interview. I think Bolton was use to the treatment from FNC when it was full neocon, so was really taken aback by Tucker’s populist bent on nation building.
And thanks. Nice and concise and it tells me what I want to know
So you made the choice to attack me rather than simply admit the post I replied to was just wrong.
Having lived in Islamic countries I can assure you that their culture, which is also their religion, has nothing I want to see here in our country.
Tell us all what part of their culture you want to include in our country,
Honor killings?
The violent suppression of all other religions, per the koran?
Making and keeping all women subservient and treated as owned breeding livestock?
The constant and at every opportunity violent hate of anything and everything Jewish?
I spent many years in and out of several Islamic nations and I want none of their culture here.
Where did I say that I want Islamic people living in America? Where? Too busy frothing at the idea that we should not just kill every person who was raised in that religion, to take what I wrote at face value.
Islamic people are over there. Most of them should probably stay where they are. We are here, and we should probably stay where we are. That means no invading them, overthrowing their govts. Trade with them, talk to them yes. Cultural exchanges for the purpose of fostering peace, yes. Let the ones who convert to Christianity come here, yes.
I live in this country and I have had my fill of secular humanism, and the destruction of our institutions. It wasn’t conservative Christians like me who opened the borders to other faiths. What about Bolton - does he think we should exclude Moslem immigration? His old boss W did not. Personally I would even favor Protestants in our immigration policy. Tired of the non-Protestant vote - Hispanic and otherwise - defacto changing our form of govt.
“We will find out,
“Sooner or later,
“If Achmed will pray,
“To a glowing crater!
Did some editing, but I love the rhyme!
One low tech cruise missile or drone guided down to the Kaaba is all it would take.
Jesus our Lord and Savior kicked some serious butt when He drove the money changers from the Temple. Ever notice there was no counterattack even though He was outnumbered?
Anyway, Amb. Bolton’s appointment is the only good news I’ve had today, after DJT signed that monster budget.
Under the heading of “let’s you and them fight”, I think DJT should have vetoed the bill. If he got overridden, it would be Congress’ baby, not his. Just sayin’.
God Bless You Sister!
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