I believe in treating everyone as an individual. God judges us as individuals. So how can we condemn an entire group, and wish to kill them all, without due process, if even a handful might be open to the Gospel?
No military action can lawfully be taken without a declaration of War or a threat of imminent attack.
No one has yet answered my question about whether we should kill the secular humanists. After all, they are waging war against our children in the government schools and other institutions. If we’re going to kill them to start, where do we stop?
If man tells me he's a Muslim, I know what he believes. I know what his book says. I know his god is NOT my God. If a Muslim is nice to you, it's only for a moment. He will stab you if he gets the chance. There is nothing inherently good about him. If you look at what is happening now in Europe, you will see Muslims start to rape more, rob more, murder more, and persecute Jews and Christians more, because there are more of them. The "Restrainer" restrained, but now the "Restrainer" is leaving. They felt the same 10 years ago, but are just now showing what they feel because there are more of them. If they felt differently, they wouldn't be Muslim.
There are Christians that feel very strongly about their faith, but they will get bold when they are in church. Not so much when they are in line at Walmart. If we were a predominate Christian country, the country would be much different. To advocate killing a baby would be absurd, or advocating sodomy would be shameful. It was that way a few years ago as the "Restrainer" was strong in America.
I always found it depressing to see the talking heads come to work with their little ash crosses on their foreheads and then speak favorably about abortion and sodomy. If America is judged, everyone is subject to die, not just the "bad" people. Our children are in danger for what we have allowed to happen.
Here again, reading our Bibles, we see Israel was put in slavery and destroyed many times for the choices they made as a nation. Are you going to tell me there was not one good Jew in Israel when they were put in slavery?
If America turns on Israel, it doesn't matter how many good Christians are in America, we will be cursed. When Obama turned the rainbow lights on the WH and when he voted against Israel in the UN, America was in grave danger. If Trump does nothing else but befriend Israel, and moving the embassy goes a good way, we are reversing what was begun when a Muslim was made president.
If a Democrat is sitting next to you in church, at some point he/she needs to be confronted with the Word of God. If they vote Democrat, they support abortion no matter what they say with their mouths. We all have a choice, pick the world or pick Christ, but you can't have both. Democrats have substituted Government for God. There are multiple verses about being double minded, lukewarm, serving 2 masters, ect. I have RAILED here at Catholics that say NOTHING to a priest, or any other church officials about giving Sacraments to Democrats that vote for abortion, and now sodomy, along with other crimes against God. This is how "wise guys" get funerals with all the trimmings if you are Catholic. Why on earth was Ted Kennedy given a funeral with all the trimmings when he died? Forget killing Mary Jo, He voted for abortion every chance he got.
Yes, when God gets fed up, he will kill masses of us and there are no innocents. INDIVIDUALLY, you can go to heaven, but there is no Spiritual covering for the US if we don't deserve it.
When you get baptized, you are spiritually dying to your flesh. You are raised as a new creature and live for God. If a bus hits you leaving the church after professing Christ, you go to Heaven. There is NO guaranteed life here on earth. As you are raised to a new creature, we should spend our new life serving God until we receive our new resurrected body from God.
The point of all this is life here on earth is temporary and NOT assured at any time. A nation can be blown completely off the globe at the whim of God and we deserve it. Individually, our fate can be assured. BTW, this is the explanation of why bad things happen to good people. Life here is temporary whether 8 or 80. We are all born dying. What happens after that is the key.