Ask any street cop how honest prostitutes are. The are 96% motivated by money. The rest is just crazy.
I’d walk outside to check if a prostitute like Stormy told me the sun was rising in the east.
Too many people, especially many here on FR, have allowed the Left to frame the debate by agreeing that Trump did bone that porn star even though there is not a shred of evidence.
President Trump denies any such thing and I believe him. He is not Bill Clinton, who had to parse the word "is" and then redefine oral sex as not really being sex.
President Trump may have been a horndog years ago but that was years ago. Years ago he cut a swath through the female population and had a couple of other wives but it has not been established that any of them were hookers/porn stars. He didn't need to date or bed some bored-out slut with round heels as he had the choice of many good looking women who may have had some loose morals by chasing his money, but they sure didn't get gang-banged in front of a camera for several hundred dollars.