Another travesty of theirs which will be overturned.
This court is a laughingstock.
This suit is IDIOCY.
This judge(s) should be impeached for incompetence.........................
Another idiotic junk science libtard/progressive judgement ... which will get overturned. What frakin’ business do judges or any other idiotic legal entity have when it comes to global warming/global climate change = nothing!
This is how Republics fail - when the practice of law itself becomes complex and a form of corruption and tyranny.
Will they allow Tantrums in the courtroom ?
This is a MASSIVE attempted judicial power grab by 9th Circuit. They are attempting to say that the judiciary has the power to resolve purely political questions and impose the resolution on the entire country.
Algores Inconvenient Truth parts 1 and 2 be their case ?
Of course they did. Doofuses.
“A federal judge in Oregon ruled in 2016 the 21 youngsters had standing to sue.”
But the people had no standing to sue over Obama’s lack of eligibility to be President of the United States.
The courts are a joke. We’re a banana republic.
I’ve been to countries that don’t have fossil fuels. I think trump labels them “S***hole countires.” I agree.
Counter-sue everybody involved, individually, make them hurt.
I guess that when all that damage happens from Globull Climate Catastrophes, they can be compensated - maybe their great-great-great-great-great grandchildren anyway....
I’m stunned, but maybe shouldn’t be.
So judges have decided that a lawsuit over global warming is allowable???
This would be laughable but unfortunately it’s serious, as we find ourselves in a liberal federal court.
So then, we will see a kangaroo court proceeding, in which some liberal judges will agree that the Trump administration is violating people’s rights by not doing enough on global warming.
Probably the “enough” part will be open to interpretation.
“””A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in favor of 21 children and young adults suing the U.S. government for not doing enough to protect their constitutional right to a stable climate. “””””””””
Constitutional right to a stable climate?
Is that right next to the part of the Constitution that says you have a right to an abortion???
This will quicken the demise of the hoax...
Why am I not surprised? The Constitution means nothing to these leftist pieces of $hit.
It is not legal to sue a legislator for making a law, or for not making a law. Same for the president. If that were the case, we could have sued bammy for letting muzzies into the country who killed humans.
That's for a start.
They can't have it both ways.
And these kids think that power comes in a little box marked "Do not open. Will harm environment."
Pssst....and stop exhaling and farting you rotten little varmits.