This is who I suspected was the drive for Q. That doesn’t mean Q will end but if i’m right we will get a noticeable change in Q posts.
When our submarine went on Special Operations, its location was Top Secret/SCI in a compartment none of you have ever heard of. Only the Sonarmen, Radiomen, and Officers were cleared TS/SCI, everyone else was cleared Secret. Everyone on the boat knew where we were and what we were doing. (That is why they didn’t make any extra noise;-)
For what Jered Kushner is doing in the Middle East he only needs a Secret clearance.
On the other hand, Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinski both had a TS/SCI, so it appears to me that someone in the bureaucracy is messing with President Trump. Ultimately, that will not turn out to have been a good choice.
Well hmmmm.... I figured if the obummer could get a clearance anybody could.... His list of associates would scare the heck out of any red blooded American.... And he was a dope smoking fagot to boot..!
I have had TS/SCI. It is pretty thorough and takes a long time to get.
But the entire system is broken.
They gave TS/SCI to these clowns? Jarrett, Podesta, Holder?
Are you kidding me?
Jarrett is an Iranian agent. Podesta is a pedophile. Holder was arrested in college for what was a crime of terrorism.
From the above link:
n 2014, Kushner, with his brother Joshua and Ryan Williams, co-founded Cadre (now RealCadre LLC), an online real-estate investment platform.
His business partners included Goldman Sachs and billionaire George Soros, a top Democratic Party donor.[1][30][31] In early 2015, Soros Fund Management financed the startup with a $250 million credit line.
Kushner did not identify these business relationships in his January 2017 government financial-disclosure
In addition, there’s info on his family that is not so good.
Additional information regarding Kushner’s father, and other relatives involved in arrest and conviction of tax evasion and other crimes:
Huma Abedine, Hillary’s sidekick and co-conspirator, had top secret security clearance in spite of coming from a family of Muslim Brotherhood officers. She even helped her mother publish the Muslim Brotherhood paper.
However, Kushner is a Jew and the President’s son-in-law, so he can’t be trusted.
By the way, is Gen. Mike Rogers, who testified today, a Democrat troll? He certainly came off as one.
I wonder what keeps Kushner from obtaining the proper security clearance. Can’t we be privy to that?
Such clearances never bothered anyone in the Clinton White House. Heck - they had people working there who didn’t even know who hired them to work there - HA!
Was there a reason? It could be something as simple as being out of the country for more than 6 months cumulatively in past t years, unless you were on govt business.
If you ask me, neither Kushner nor his wife have any proper role in the government at all. They were not elected to anything.
Send them home to live their private lives.
Never should have had Security Clearence in the first place, to closely related to SOROS.
This is such a scandal but it was no big deal when Bubba Krinton’s entire staff couldn’t get a security clearance because they couldn’t pass the drug test. No big deal, Bubba just waived it and nothing was said. The Trump admin is showing some integrity and it’s a total scandal.