When my husband worked for a large organization, he was reviewing paperwork for one of his subordinates. Things seemed fishy so he looked deeper. Turns out the guy was purchasing items supposedly for the company, but it was stuff the company didn’t need or have.
They found out he had his own business on the side and was selling the items there.
DH turned him over to the FBI. Guy went to jail.
Apparently there are many creative ways to cook the books to feather your own nest. I hope there is a crew of forensic accountants already going through Israel’s finances and the county’s finances with a fine-toothed comb.
Thanks for the realtime story——that particular MO is very popular.
Broward PD’s budget leaves plenty of room for fraud.
How about announcing a multi-million dollar “Protect The Children” program......tax dollars go into the program.....most of them land offshore in numbered accounts.
It’s very easy for these greedsters to create “vouchers” that appear to be legit but in actuality skim off tax dollars for themselves.
...... agreed.