Yes. That is what I see as the problem for these young people.
They have a vacuum of knowledge about this. All they know is what they have seen, and they don’t have a lifetime of experience to draw on to make sense of it.
And as we know, nature abhors a vacuum.
In a rational world, that vacuum would be filled by rational things. If their parents are rational and thoughtful, they will try to help and the kid can still come out of it.
But there are people out there (and we know who they are) who at a root level, don’t give a whit about the kid’s welfare, but do care a great deal what is inside that vacuum in their brains that has been created by these murders, and they are lined up one behind another to fill that vacuum.
Good parenting can help. But we live in a world where online message boards, texts, twitters, videos, web pages, and everything else under the sun are fighting to get in there too.
I don’t like that the kids are being used, and willfully allow themselves to be used. I see parallels in this in the way an adult would sexually abuse a young person. These young people are emotionally vulnerable, insecure, probably feeling survivor’s guilt, all that layered on top of the normal emotional rocks that any teenager has to navigate (self-image, etc) and an adult is going to come along, make them feel They are going to cater to that and...yes...groom them. They are going to build them up, put them on a stage, and the kid isn’t being forced to do it...they WANT to do it, they WANT to go along with it. The way an abused kid might go along with a pedophile. They LIKE the attention.
My heart breaks for those young people. It doesn’t mean that in my heart I am not judging them, because I absolutely am, and a bit harshly. But I have to keep reminding myself that this is quite a different thing compared to that despicable Cindy Sheehan and her ilk.
They are just kids. Damn it.
Very good analogy. I think it is spot on.
I said this earlier.
As soon as they start paying taxes, providing for those the love, after producing those and then protecting them their minds will change,FAST