Not that I want to stir the pot, but if you took the normal yearly death toll in Florida (murders), and did the number business....I doubt that the assault rifle usage in these episodes reaches more than 2-percent of the deaths. I would even go and suggest that people killed by knives in Florida....would be a two-to-one average over assault rifles.
Finally, again...not to stir the pot...but Florida leads the way nationwide on the number of people killed by lightning strikes. Can’t we possibly pass legislation to lessen this number and prevent lightning deaths? It would seem like we should just pass a law that says when lightning is within 20 miles...everyone should huddle underneath a overpass, or in some public building.
The cheap applause of the gallery is not the way to deal with tragedy.
Sarah Sanders warned us Tuesday afternoon against seeking a quick and simple answer. They don’t exist.
Lee Trevino said to carry a two iron because even God can't hit a two iron.
In reality, guns have saved countless more lives in Florida than they ever killed. Guns should win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Florida leads the way nationwide on the number of people killed by lightning strikes
FL has one of the highest rates of RR crossing deaths. Amtrak and CSX have blood on their hands!!! DO SOMETHING!!
[[I doubt that the assault rifle usage in these episodes reaches more than 2-percent of the deaths.]]
Nope- it’s Zero percent- people aren’t allowed to own assault rifles- TRUE assault rifles- No murders were committed with TRUE assault rifles as far as i know
What’s needed is some old geezers going postal. If only someone on the shuffleboard court in Century Village would wip out their old M1 that they took home as a souvenier from the war, and start blasting over a scoring dispute, they’d have gun control at last, and Florida would be safe for...for...for a while until the next shooting.
In 2014, according to the FBI, all rifles (not just scary-looking “assault” rifles) accounted for just 2 percent of all murders, and just 3 percent of all firearms murders.
There were only 248 victims of murder by all rifles, less than those murdered by:
shotguns (262)
knives or cutting instruments (1,567)
blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) (425)
personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) (687)
In other words in 2014 (and every other year for which I have seen data), well over twice as many people were murdered by unarmed assailants as were murdered with any rifle, whether that was an AR-15, a Ruger 10/22, an antique muzzleloader, or any other type of rifle.