“First they came for the bumpstocks, and I did not speak out
Because I did not own a bumpstock.”
Where’s the tweet?
Bump stocks - bump for later...
Trump could ban Bandolier’s and he would still have had more gun regulation then the Democrats in 2009
ATF already took steps to start to ban bump stocks.
Trump needs to learn to keep his mouth shut and not take a position on the issue du jour.
The only honest and legal way is to have Congress ban bump stocks.
Does Trump know that according to federal law and the ATF acknowledges that bump stocks are legal?
Who in this federal government really understands why there is a 2nd Amendment?
Are they going to attempt to make, because someone is capable of pulling the trigger at 450 Rounds Per Minute or faster illegal, so they make trigger pulls 25 lbs or higher?
Trump, don’t be fooled by a bunch of foolish children used by the opportunistic Left, who have no wisdom or life experiences to understand history or reasoning. It’s a leftish and totalitarian ad hoc ‘Children’s Crusade’. The original child crusade didn’t end well because of idiot foolishness.
However, the law does not authorize any restrictions on bump stocks. So, theres nothing the AG can legally do to implement this silly, misguided order. (Not to mention our US Constirution). What I draw from this report is that DJT is receiving some awful policy and horrible legal advice. Also, regretfully, hes showing signs of wavering pretty badly. Wheres the Swamp Draining!? Its been over a year already- only a small number of alligators removed from the washDC swamp so far, very few.
Years ago right after i got my sks, my buddies and I went out to the desert and used up about a 1000 rounds... we each bought a case when we got the guns at just over $200 for gun & ammo. We had game and fish there almost instantly, because of the 3 of us firing at the same time, from a distance he thought there was a full auto in the mix. From something he said that day, I always thought it was a crime to do anything that would change the fire rate of any semi auto weapon. i.e. Not that it would make a string or rubber band illegal, that it would be illegal to use one to change the fire rate.
Really never thought about it again, until i found out about bump stocks after Vegas... could not believe i had never heard of them before... i wanted to find one for my sks, then saw the string trick and figured why...
Not one of my favorite moves so far, but a year ago i still thought using the string would have been illegal, so i will give up one (depending on what we end up with) and trust he knows what he is doing and see where it goes after everything he has already done for us, if he is using it to negotiate a deal or maybe just an example the left still wont give him credit for something they want.
They will still blame him for the deaths.
Yep, all those judges that try to block every move the President makes will ban this too! /s
Anti-American and anti-Liberty. This is something leftists do and it will not slow their drive for confiscation. A step in the wrong direction IMO.
Read the memo Trump put out and it puts an odd spin on this whole thing.
Basically Trump instructed ATF to complete the process they already had going since December to re-evaluate bump stocks legality.
In other words, Trump spent a lot of time telling the BATFE to continue doing this thing they are already doing.
It still wasn’t smart, but it’s also a head scratcher. Smoke screen from DJT? Maybe, maybe not. Like I said, I’ll reserve judgment until later. If he has turned on this issue, however, it’ll sink him.
I am a single issue voter on two issues: abortion and the second amendment. You fail on either and you fail completely.
To be honest, I really don’t think that will make much of a difference. They were used in that one shooting in Vegas but typically aren’t. Also, if you Google bump stocks, one of the things you see is how to make homemade ones.
I remember before Las Vegas serious shooters saying they didn’t like bump stocks. They aren’t accurate and waste ammo. They are either good for fun or shooting into a crowd randomly. Banning them is a tiny loss.
Just lost my vote in 2020.
I thought was going to "protect the 2nd Amendment."
I was just another politician lie.
A pox on his house for restricting freedom.
This is all about the 2018 elections. Lots of hair on fire here that is totally unnecessary. The gun-grabbers have been planning this campaign carefully since at least last year and are jumping on their chance to execute it. Give the man some room.
It’s a big deal because the people need to be able to preserve freedom that throughout history has been taken by war or invasion or renegade government
I would gladly trade bump stocks for national reciprocity and hopefully, suppressors.