NOTHING about increasing spending is “good”.
If obummer did this, we would be screaming.
Let’s keep it real, for goodness’ sake.
This will cost the taxpayer a trillion bucks and add to the debt, as the new budget does also.
Since when is all of this “good”?
And YES, as anyone here who has EVER watched our govt work, it WILL cost us a trillion in the end. If we’re lucky.
Much better to spend the money on infrastructure, rather than supporting a bunch of no-good bums living off welfare all their lives.
I bet there won’t be $100’s of millions of dollars sent to sham non-profits like happened with Stimulus money.
Huh? Where do you see that the White House plan will cost US taxpayers “1 trillion” dollars?
Zimbabwe got up to $100 trillion dollar bills in 2008 before they gave up.
The allotted $200 billion comes from cuts within the impending White House budget. An official did not detail where specific spending reductions in the budget came from, but said the administration made cuts where infrastructure funds havent been spent efficaciously, providing Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery grants and transit funds as examples.
Infrastructure spending is good. When the US spends $1000 on a highway, at the end of the day the US has the highway, which is a productive asset, and a US worker has the $1000.
When Odunghole spends $1000 on welfare, at the end of the day we have an addict, who is a drag on the economy, and some criminal drug dealer has the $1000, where it is spent on counterproductive items.
President Trump got a promise of foreign investment in infrastructure when he visited with the Saudis last year.
Perhaps its not all increased national debt and or higher taxes.
But we do have to watch out.
Corruption can seep into this kind of stuff.
It did in Canada some years ago when the Liberal Party in Canada steered infrastructure money to outfits associated with campaign gifts to the Liberal Party in Canada.
I would rather have dirt roads and own them than be in debt, things have gone too far, take a few billion of that and build the wall first