I think that by the mid-terms, the Democrats will be in very bad shape. Many resignations, no money, reputation so bad even the media will hesitate to defend them.
I wouldn’t bet on it. The media has done a great job to this point in either making the memo “not a big deal” and “overblown” or “damaging to intelligence”.
Unfortunately, most of the media will continue to be lap dogs for the Dems, and they will still have plenty of money from the Soros’ of the world.
If the GOP misses this golden opportunity they are damn fools and deserve their fate. Every one of these people involved in this pile of sewage need to be grilled relentlessly on TV all Summer and into the Fall. Start with Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, Rybicki, McCabe, and work your way over to DOJ and Rosenstein and from there up to Clapper and Brennan then Cheryl MIlls and Huma and move on to Val Jar. Encircle 0bama with testimony and indictments like a noose. By September we should be up to, What did 0bama know and when did he know it? The GOP should have over 60 seats in the Senate and pick up 20 or 30 in the House if they play this hand properly. They have a 7 No Trump (metaphorically) hand if they dont screw it up.