I’ve looked at a dozen or more stories about this in the MSM. Not a single source or link. The quotes seems to come from a Twitter account that does NOT belong to the FBI.
The story was posted on about a half-dozen websites, and almost all of them referenced each other as the "source."
The one website that had an "original source" had posted a link to some knucklehead's Twitter post, where he said something to this effect: "I'm hearing from my buddies in the NYPD that a bunch of Clinton people are going to be arrested tonight."
I can laugh about it now because it was so preposterous and amateurish, but it was ridiculous to see how many people here on FR bought into the story.
Not a tweet, a direct communication delivered to various press outlets. Bloomberg was the first to report on this angle, with most follow-up reports citing Bloomberg. Now we have a number of press outlets showing the FULL message they received, and attributed to either the FBI, or, in the case of Bloomberg, to Wray.
The press wants to believe it, so they blast it out to the public.
It came out after 8:00 am. See CNN/Cuomo interview with Sarah Sanders. Cuomo asserts that Rosenstein and Boyd are against disclosing to the public. In typical fashion, he assumes they had even read it at the time they made those alleged views known. Anyway, if this fake blast from the FBI had been available to Cuomo, he would have referred to it too.