A good Christian school is always an option. All three of our children went to a private Christian school near our home. Two have graduated. My second son’s graduating class was three. All three had enough scholarships that they are going to college for free - two at a local Big 12 school and the other at a local Christian college.
Parochial schools, period, are the way to go. (In my case, Jewish.) The child will share the same culture, tradition, & community as his peers, as well as learn (hopefully) ethical conduct.
As far as secular studies, Jewish schools unfortunately vary in quality. However, this can always be supplemented or remediated on the side. This is where home schooling might come in -- also private tutoring.
I would never send a child to a public school, even a good one. Not with the crazy liberal values (or lack of) so prevalent.
Private schools (religious or not) struggle here in NJ because the high public school taxes make the additional tuition unaffordable to most. Growing up my town had six Catholic schools; now there are none. Nobody can pay $6K in school taxes (not total property taxes - just school taxes) and another $6K (or more) in tuition. If they could, they would live miles away from here instead.