There is no way this country can Deport several Hundred Thousand people, much less several million, We don't have the manpower or the money.
I would rather see a reasonable deal on DACA if we can get a deal on the wall, Chain migration and whatever else. I also would like to see a return to the Immigration Policy we had from 1920 to 1965, strict quota's. That needs to be part of the deal to.
For those that are here, well we may have to make a deal, but that deal doesn't have to mean outright citizenship, but a deal where these people get some kind of work Visa and pay all the taxes the rest of us do.
Obama claims to have deported 2 million, so it can be done.
In Operation Wetback, 70% self-deported.
Look at what happened when Oklahoma passed a strong illegal immigration bill - the illegals scurried over the border to Kansas.
We just need to enforce e-verify and start rounding up a few.
Don’t fall for the left’s rhetoric!