Posted on 01/21/2018 9:16:45 AM PST by libstripper
Full title of Article:
Trump Campaign Ad Blasts #SchumerShutdown Democrats: You Will Be Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants
Text of excerpt:
The campaign of President Donald Trump released an ad Saturday that warns Democrats they will be complicit in murders of Americans by illegal aliens. While the as does not mention the current government shutdown battle, the timing and the message of the Democrats favoring illegal aliens over Americans makes the connection obvious.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Chuckie has gotten word what is in the FISA memo and he knows the dems are in more trouble than they can ever get out of.. he knows the dem party and their past president is history... they know all hell is going to be turned around on them... and he doesn’t know anything else to do but stall on this budget.... they are in such big trouble, they are probably in denial but know in their boots that it’s bad!!!
It’s a great ad.
The Demonrats are already complicit.
They do not care about American citizens at all, and neither does their base, which includes American citizens who do not care about American citizens at all.
They only care about power and the Agenda. Nothing else.
They are utterly insane, absolute villains. They gotta go!
Devastating is right.
I had sort of a brilliant idea in the shower....remember the “We Support Our Troops” ribbons that you saw everywhere after 9/11?
Someone with graphics arts skills needs to photoshop one that combines the democrat party logo somehow into one that says “We DON’T Support Our Troops”.
One that says “We Support Illegal Aliens” would be nice too.
Something that could be printed on label stock and plastered everywhere.
Thanks for the youtube post. Everybody needs to see the ad.
Did I say best political ad? No, I meant best TRUTHFUL ad I've seen in my entire life.
It's the #SchumerShutdown folks -- they're responsible for every crime committed by an illegal alien/DACA/"Dreamer" at this point. The Democrats are shutting down the FedGov and risking AMERICAN's lives to protect their coveted illegal immigrant vote.
This hangs right on the Democrats necks and THANK YOU PDJT for having the courage to stand up and hang it on them!!
The ad, titled Complicit, features the shocking court appearance this past week by an accused illegal alien cop killer, Luis Enrique Monroy Bracamontes, who, laughs, smiles and curses as he states his desire to kill more American police officers.
The Best.....Share this people.
Run this Trump ad during tomorrows chick and swinging dick shows.
The ad above , titled Complicit, features the shocking court appearance this past week by an accused illegal alien cop killer, Luis Enrique Monroy Bracamontes, who, laughs, smiles and curses as he states his desire to kill more American police officers. Thanks to Frank R for the jpg below!
Yes, indeed. Trump fights. They never saw it coming. The night of The debate - when NBC released the Access Holywood tape - the whole world waited for a defensive capitulation. Instead, he gathered up the Clinton victims and went on the offensive. Stunning. He’s been winning ever since!
This is how you fight.
And this little political trick is to be known as the Schumer Shutdown, now and forever.
Totally unnecessary and completely off the point. The Democrats had everything they wanted, within the scope of the budget resolution, but NOOOOOO - they had to come back and try to put a poison pill in the negotiations, presenting a “compromise” on DACA and the Dreamers that essentially changed noting at all, with insufficient funding for the wall, no mention of chain migration, and doing nothing on the “visa lottery”.
Donald Trump was not fooled for a second when this was presented. For the Democrats to be “shocked” at Trump’s language was a most obvious display of clutching at pearls and going into a hissy fit.
Not surprising that Schumer came out of that meeting with Trump with head down and just zipping past the waiting press corps, not speaking until he was back on “safe” ground, the Capital rotunda.
I think we need a cartoon of Chuck stealing the food from a military family and handing it an illegal family
That is a tremendous ad, and only idiot Leftards could possibly object to it.
Democrats, do you stand with AMERICANS to keep us all secure, or do you stand with criminals and ILLEGAL aliens??????
Great hard hitting snack down. No previous Republican would ever put his name on this. The thank you president Trump!
“Shutdown” Shumer.
Give him a nickname, Donald.
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