Posted on 01/20/2018 8:13:08 PM PST by Texas Fossil
Southern Kurdistan Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani had a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi in Baghdad.
Southern Kurdistan Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani and his deputy Qûbad Talabani went to Baghdad on Saturday.
Barzani, Talabani and KDP official Fûad Hisên have met with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi in Baghdad. While details about the meeting are not clear, this is the first meeting held between the two sides after the controversial independence referendum of 25 September 2017.
Before the referendum in Southern Kurdistan, Barzani had stated that There is a bankrupt government in Baghdad, referring to Abadi.
Abadi had also called the Kurdistan Regional Government bankrupt after the Iraqi army and affiliated Hashd al-Shaabi militia seized control of Kirkuk and disputed areas on 16 October 2017.
Barzani and Talabani will reportedly visit Iran for a series of talks with senior Iranian officials.
And how to deal with the actions of Erdogan the Islamist dictator of Turkey.
Barzanis a pimp. He could never have taken out Sonny
I knew it was Bardzini.
(I accidently sent this by mail to you. Sorry, old chap)
Sorry, I often forget that not everyone knows who the Kurdish leaders are in Iraq.
I don't know either of them personally, but do know about them.
Have friends in Syria who are very knowledgeable about the region. It is a complex place. I've read speeches by General Mattis stating it is the most complex in the world. That may be so.
Who’s on First?
Abadi, Barzani, Talabani and Fuad Hisen are all Kurdish leaders in Iraq.
Abadi is the top leader in Baghdad.
Barzani is the top leader in the KRG (Kurdish Regional Government)
Talabani is to top leader of the PUK in the Kurdish Region. (2nd party)
Fuad Hisen is the head of the KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party) (same party as Barzani)
Barzani and Talabani are both from old leadership families in Iraq. They are pretty tribal as to how they are governed. They have long been reliable allies of the US. (except recently Abadi not so much)
I have not laughed so hard (LOL) in a while. That's classic!
Got to be quick with this crowd..........
Strange crew? smile.
Yes, we have all types on FR. Some amazing flavors of all of them.
But working together? Unbeatable.
I’ve seen it so many times.
I’m tired. I sent the message to myself, after I collected all 3 screen names.
It’s late, I must rest.
“The region is in process of finding how to deal with each other after ISIS is gone.”
How true.
Everybody is always changing sides over there, so any big change sets off all kinds of jockeying. The loss of the Kirkuk oil fields from the KRG, is a game changer.
A regime change in Iran would be even a bigger deal, in favor of the US and our allies.
It was always Barzani.
Tattaglia is a pimp. He never could have outfought Santino. But I didnt know until this day that it was Barzani all along.
Ha!! I hate it when people beat me to the Godfather lines.
Haha. Me too. I got beat too. It was aggravating. If I could do them from memory I would never lose. But I like to google them so I get it exactly right. I lose time that way.
I hope Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi got rid of whichever one of his people set this thing up: “Remember....whoever comes to you with this Barzani meeting, he’s the traitor,,,,don’t forget that!”
Tessio was always smarter.
I know that both families are corrupt at some level. Barzani possibly more than Talabani.
Al-Abadi is now a tool of the Iranian Mullahs. For whatever reason. Like most of them, it might be money. (like mafia but worse)
It was explained to me by some of my ME friends who are “aware” that some of the Talabani tribe are good soldiers and always defending the Kurds no matter what. And no signs of personal corruption. Jalal Talabani was revered by almost all in Iraq, he was most respected by the Syrian Kurds as well as the Iraqi Kurds.
I have from multiple sources that both Talabani and Barzani top leaders have previously met privately with Iranian military. One of my friends in US is really upset over this, my take is just the meeting does not mean collusion. Although, I’m told that even in Lebanon, all factions meet regularly and have made deals that usually are not in the best interest of that country. Like our own government now, it is a snakes pit in Beirut much worse than in DC. I’m old enough to remember when Beirut was called the jewel of the Middle East. Now it is Hamas and Hezbollah haven. I remember when the elected but not installed president of Lebanon, Bachir Gemayel was assassinated. All that makes Lebanese Christian somewhat crazy, it rubs of from the Arabs and the Muslim Jihadi’s.
I had a good friend who was from a Lebanese Christian family, he worked for my father in law for quite a while. At the time I met him, I was trying to understand the mess in the Balkans. We had some interesting discussions about that part of the world, which mirrors what is happening in the Middle East today. My friend is dead now, has been for at least 10 years. Still miss those conversations. He stayed in Europe after WWII because of his language skills and had incredible real life stories of dealing with the Christian/Muslim divide in the Balkans and in the Middle East. I’ve know some very interesting people over the years.
Tessio? fictional?
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