When America is strong the world is strong not the other way around. He is leading from strength without apology as he understands this Country has fought and died for freedom throughout its history. The only thing America ever asks in defending freedom around the world is a small piece of land to bury its heroes. Its forefathers were men of vision seeing people as stewards of their own destiny rather than a draconian gummit with its boot on the neck of its citizens and Trump is honoring their brilliance. This is what this battle is about and should be clear to anyone who cares to see which side is which.
I made the classic error sorry, addresed toAB instead of you.
Here is the latest attack on our pouts,these clowns ne e igve up.
CIA has three ops they are using to get rid of Trump and install Pence the chosen one.
1.First was Russian collusion with Trumpmiserable failure.
2. second was Trump sexcapdes before the election,epic fail.
3.Third is just beginning:his sanity,will be used as long as it gets traction but this too will fial since more and more Americans are figuring out who desings and implements all these ops.
Here are some of the beginnings of op three.
Took it from here:
Yep, I liked this one a lot. It needed to be said.