What the Hell is wrong with states? Election fraud only usurps their sovereign power away. States are already appendages of the fricking feds now.
If it wasn’t for election fraud Hillary would have lost the popular vote too...it’s a cover up of that fact.
>>>What the Hell is wrong with states?
Many have laws that prevent the sharing of the data that they collect. For example, even Commision Chair Kris Kobach, in his role as Secretary of State, could not provide the last four digits of Social Security numbers because that’s not publicly available under Kansas law.
>>What the Hell is wrong with states? Election fraud only usurps their sovereign power away. States are already appendages of the fricking feds now.<<
Blue states DEPEND on voter fraud. It is as much a part of their planning as campaign posters.
The LAST thing they want is a serious inquiry into illegal voters.