And in so saying, you positively invite insults on yourself, since you practice with a vengeance the very "crimes" against logic you accuse me of.
After all, what is all this rubbish you've been posting if not, in your own words, "the tactics, diversions, and modification of previous statements..."
You fantasize yourself some kind of expert, a recognized authority on all effective discourse, and yet you demonstrate nothing, zero, only blowing ever more smoke to cover your tracks to "avoid acknowledging refutation and/or severe flaws demonstrated in [your] proffered opinions."
papertyger: "Indeed, offering opinion in a public forum that DOES NOT conform to those standards is INVITING insult and abuse."
So I take it you just love to be insulted.
Sorry if I disappoint you in that.
Then where is your analysis and diagnosis of my fallacies? You've chosen to dismiss mine, both formal and informal, as "insult," much as a thief resents that title when caught.
Thus far, you've offered no more substantive reply than various derivatives of "nuh un," "I know you are, but what am I," and "you think you're so 'x,' but you're not."
Do you honestly not see how badly you're being slapped around, and is that preferable to learning to refine your thinking? After all, that's what we old timers originally came here for; to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women ;-). We didn't come here to have others marvel at our sagacious pontifications. We wanted to learn how to fight and win against our ideological adversaries in the real world, not salve the boo-boos of petulant, inept, allies.