I’d be a lot more impressed if the NYT would explain why it was a mouthpiece for a raving lunatic, instead of warning people what the evils of Chavez would eventually lead to.
Yes, once again children are starving related to Communism.
Who could have seen this coming?
The NYT couldn’t. The Washington Post couldn’t. No these two rabid dog publications still push for Leftist policy in the United States.
Leftists, Communists, Socialists, they never freakin learn! NEVER!!!
These ideologies are good for only one thing. They destroy wholesome governments and then melt down.
They’re trying to do it again here.
“Id be a lot more impressed if the NYT would explain why it was a mouthpiece for a raving lunatic, instead of warning people what the evils of Chavez would eventually lead to.”
Because they were “assured” by “their man in Caracas,” Sean “Spicoli” Penn that all was well there.
Still, there are tens of millions of unofficial communists within the USA, as Nikita S. Khrushchev eventually predicted there would be.