Why is Amazon seeking “stable and business friendly regulations” while Bezos and Amazon spend so much money and effort to increase regulation and eliminate regions with the very business climate they claim to be looking for???
Because they know it's really bullsh!t. If NYC, for example, really thought their town would be flooded soon they'd stop issuing building permits and start encouraging people to move to higher ground.
***This year, unseasonable wildfires,***
When there are enough wildfires to equal the size of Louisiana, we will have reached the goal of wildfires in 1956.
There’s an island in the Chesapeake Bay that’s slowly sinking. Global warmists believe the water is rising instead, even though it’s only a local rise and not affecting other areas nearby. They should set up shop on the island.
To the moon, Amazon.
The Huffinglue Post is one of my favorite hate reads. Their headlines and stories are so over the top crazy that it’s like taking a digital trip through an insane asylum. I do however feel guilty giving them additional clicks, so thanks for sharing.
Nice attempt by Huffington Post to climate-shame the blue states into not competing for the Amazon site. There are plenty of red states who would be happy to have it.