There are a number of stories coming out about the Ruskies doing things like this. It’s my take we are doing the same things.
Does Russia only have designs on us, or is their most recent activity due to a monster developing on their border?
No society survives a nuclear war. All building on the surface will be gone. Infrastructure destroyed is not replaceable immediately. It would take decades and incredible sums of money to get back to where each nation started from.
This talk is sheer lunacy IMO.
No nation plans on winning a nuclear war. It’s not going to happen.
I lose. You lose. Everybody loses.
“It would take decades and incredible sums of money to get back to where each nation started from.”
And since money would be meaningless, everybody’s SOL.
I don't believe they have designs on us at all. Their plan was just like ours. Defend our allies. The problem for both superpowers is that organized crime has taken over the mainstay of both governments and joined up with the corrupt global corporate crime syndicates to dominate all the wealth and power on the globe.
>>this talk is sheer lunacy IMO.
Yep - but M.A.D.ness was always profitable...
[Eisenhower’s “Military-Industrial Complex” Speech
Origins and Significance
US National Archives]