Thank you for calling us Bannonites. I guess your understanding is that McConnell and Shelby and the media and $50 million dollars had nothing to with this victory for the Swamp. And I guess youll celebrate this swamp victory as you pray that the swamp somehow will save your precious SALT deductions.
Enjoy your parties.
Bannon had a major influence on where this Tax Bill went:
Because of this myopic strategy of having millions of middle class American "pay for" the $1.5 Trillion needed to give a massive tax break to corporations, the House is in serious jeopardy. The 2018 race is roughly 11 months away.
If this bill is signed as it looks like the reconciliation process is currently being reported, it will destroy or cap most tax deductions take by millions in the middle class.
The GOP Congressmen and Congresswomen who occupy seats in CA, NJ, NY, and other places will pay a serious price. If if they vote against the final bill, it doesn't matter. The Democrats will run effective campaign commercials (with sad piano music in the background), claiming that XXX voted to raise your taxes.
And they won't even have to lie.
Even Mark Levin said the GOP was nuts - this wasn't what they ran on. When did Trump or any GOP candidate say in 2016: "We are going to raise taxes on millions in the middle class in order to offset revenues for a massive corporate tax cut!"
I fear we will lose the House in 2018.
These Rino’s also trash Arizona routinely for electing McCain and Flake. Real conservatives need not apply. The media sets the anti-Bannon tone and they are off with it.