It would be nice if it warmed up some! Other than being pretty chilly, it was a beautiful cloudless, wind-free day!
Sounds like you are doing the right things for that little gal. Maybe she can stay home tomorrow.
I think I’m going to have to crash soon. My eyes are having a hard time staying open. LOL!
See ya tomorrow!
It was a beautiful day here, too, except we had wind. It was 42 when I went to town but the wind chill was way down there.
I hope there’s no wind there tomorrow when y’all are gathered outside. If it can get up to around 50, like here, it won’t be too bad.
Lorien’s drinking a lot of water tonight and that’s what Holli did when she started turning the corner. Gives me hope. I really don’t want to go back to the vet again.
I’m surprised you were able to stay up this late after your long day. Good night and sleep well.