The way I see this why this is happening is a follow up on the FOX Moore poll showing him losing. If the unsubstantiated accusations against work and cause Moore to lose it’s an all out attack on Trump. Instead of dwelling on the left’s propaganda TP (talking points) of sexual harassment which is a diversion.
What conservative media shows should be going after is linking in the traitorous Urainium deal together with Putin as well as the weakening of the armed forces with the trans sexual policies and other assaults on cultural standards. Unstead of walking the tight wire which legitimizes the lefts TPs.
2006 : (DEMOCRAT SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER ASKS HASSAN NEMAZEE [see IRAN] TO SERVE AS FINANCE CHAIRMAN FOR THE DSCC) In 2006, Senator Chuck Schumer asked [Hassan] Nemazee to serve as finance chairman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. —— House of Bribes: How the United States led the way to a Nuclear Iran,
2007 : (DEMOCRAT SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER IS FEATURED GUEST SPEAKER AT IAPAC’S ANNUAL RECEPTION -— See IRAN LOBBY) In 2007, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was the featured guest speaker at IAPACs annual New York City reception.
—— House of Bribes: How the United States led the way to a Nuclear Iran,