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To: nickcarraway
“the pipe wasnt packed tightly enough to explode, so when the festive lights sparked the matches, it just blew the ends off the pipe rather than sending shrapnel flying, sources said.”...
So now our “protectors” are teaching “Bomb Making 101” here on FR. Dumb asses need not advertise how to help the suicide bomb makers with ANYTHING. Kill them and quickly.
47 posted on
12/11/2017 3:15:38 PM PST by
To: nickcarraway
Sugar makes a great rocket fuel. You do need an oxidizer and have to blend it then cast it correctly with the right grain structure. This was common knowledge in the 60s when guys outgrew Estes engines and wanted to go a mile high. But that was for the big boys living in the desert in Nevada; no room for that living in NYS,
To: nickcarraway
Great job NYP, explaining how to make the next bomb more reliable.
To: nickcarraway
He used sugar? Wow. That REALLY ought to piss the health Nazis (liberals) off! Imagine using sugar. Do you know what that does for high blood pressure? ( Do I need the sarcasm tag?)
52 posted on
12/11/2017 3:26:07 PM PST by
("Made it Ma, top of the world!'')
To: nickcarraway
the pipe wasnt packed tightly enough to explode...
Pretty thoughtful of the NY Post to provide that critique so they can get it right next time.
54 posted on
12/11/2017 3:28:21 PM PST by
To: nickcarraway
Well, they have warned us for years that sugar is not healthy.
57 posted on
12/11/2017 3:29:26 PM PST by
(I'd rather have Unequal Wealth than Equal Poverty.)
To: nickcarraway
Sounds like he wasn’t packed too tightly, either...
59 posted on
12/11/2017 3:40:27 PM PST by
(Pray for children in pedophile pipeline, destined for neglect, torture, and even sacrifice...)
To: nickcarraway
Sounds like he wasn’t packed too tightly, either...
60 posted on
12/11/2017 3:40:53 PM PST by
(Pray for children in pedophile pipeline, destined for neglect, torture, and even sacrifice...)
To: nickcarraway
His girlfriend said he had an ongoing problem of premature ‘detonation’
62 posted on
12/11/2017 3:51:18 PM PST by
((6/98)""In todays world:::WE, THE USofA are Rudyard Kiplings 'Tommy'")
To: nickcarraway
I hope the bomb blasted off his naughty bits. Somebody that stupid shouldn’t breed.
63 posted on
12/11/2017 3:58:47 PM PST by
Not A Snowbird
(A year in Arizona... and I haven't burst into flames yet.)
To: nickcarraway; pookie18
70 posted on
12/11/2017 5:33:24 PM PST by
("It's better to have all the Right Enemies, than it is to have all the Wrong Friends.")
To: nickcarraway
To: nickcarraway
allegedly strapped to Akayed Ullah
We have video of the guy. Not allegedly!!
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