To: Oshkalaboomboom
Opps. Am I Yawning again?
7 posted on
12/08/2017 7:53:36 AM PST by
(The louder the left screams , the better it is for America!)
To: Nateman
Great calendar, but where is “Day of Decapitations?” “Day of IED’s?” “Day of burning effigies?”
I like the way you included Secretary Appreciation Day and Halloween. LMAO
15 posted on
12/08/2017 7:56:58 AM PST by
("Democrats haven't been this angry since Republicans freed the slaves.")
To: Nateman
Secretary Appreciation Day? Gives it a whole new meaning...:)
26 posted on
12/08/2017 8:05:34 AM PST by
(Liberals: American Liberty is the egg that requires breaking to make their Utopian omelette.)
To: Nateman
LOL! It’s funny ‘cause it’s true.
53 posted on
12/08/2017 9:44:55 AM PST by
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