Apparently smugness is a side effect of being a horndog.
Side effect of being leftist, and having behavior excused by feminists until now...
It can happen the other way too... the sin of lust coming from the sin of vanity or pride.
I think that’s what tripped up some unnamed televangelists.
It might even have tripped up David of the bible. He forgot to be humble, and so when Bathsheba became visible and Satan tempted, he failed to follow his ancestor Joseph in saying “how can I do this and sin against my God” (who was very dear to Joseph, so this wasn’t some abstract exercise).
He came back in the end by the mercy and grace of God, but certainly suffered along the way.
I am not surprised to see it; I am reminded to be humble so that the big head, and not the little one, gets to do the thinking.
What a great comment!!!
“They” would not refer to it as horndog. They would say he is “passionate.”
Ha ha ha Ha.
I was a fan of his several decades ago. That came to a gradual and complete halt when he went 100% liberal on his shows, bashing all things conservative, including all republican presidents. Fie on him.
Just one of the few kids who isn’t “above average” in the neighborhood of Lake Wobegon, eh?