“Let’s hear it for ‘little reefer madness jeremiah” & his latest prohibitionist diatribe.
This is anecdotal but it happened & if you do your usual thing, it’s no biggie. When my wife & I were at the dispensary last week so I could purchase more medicine, we met a nice couple in their late 60’s. The husband has parkinson’s & could barely get around. He & I went to the area where you actually order & pay for your medicine.
My wife & his wife struck up a conversation about how much cannabis was working for their spouses. The other lady confessed she will never forget how her husband stopped shaking moments after ingesting full-flower extracted cannabis oil for the 1st time.
Add to that the folks I’ve met there who are so happy to be off opioids that made them sick & now use a medicine that gives them the pain relief they crave & I’ve seen more than enough evidence that cannabis is medicine, not discounting my own personal experience in using cannabis medicinally (Wow, what a long windy sentence, right?) that you’re claims have little to no basis in fact.
Take care, little. Hope you & yours had a great Thanksgiving.
Anecdotal? My a** and you know it.
Dopers absolutely refuse to see one negative thing about mj use or growing ops.
I don’t give a crap if someone grows a couple of plants for their own use as long as gov isn’t paying for it and they aren’t being supported by the gov. Get stupid, loaded, “medicated” or whatever suits your fancy.
But pretending or lying to yourselves that there is no downside whatsoever to mj use or legalized growing, is now getting totally transparent.
Stone on, stoners!