And sadly we cannot do a damned thing about it! The press can lie through their teeth all day long and you have no way of doing anything about it. This is what America has become. This is what America is today.
How about turning it all off and loudly declaring it to be ALL LIES?
No one is forced to believe. If everyone with a brain stands up and says “NO!”, the rest will soon find themselves in the *conspiracy* echo chamber.
Resist. The Left does not own the word or the tactic. “Do not go gentle....”. Do not acquiesce. Fight back. Take your own side in the fight.
I propose we all adopt conscientious objector status in regards to the society, media and power elite. Now, I expect to hear how that’s impossible because MEDIA. How about, whenever someone quotes this so-called media, we laugh loudly, tell them everyone has to grow up sometime, then turn our backs on the purported conversation explaining that it is all propaganda and lies.
It has reached the point where I want PROOF, not accusations. Otherwise, I can launch accusations of my own, often based on truth.
Friend, I don’t have to turn it off, because I DON’T TURN IT ON!!! I get my news from conservative Internet sites, like this fine site!!!