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To: Liberty7732
The “walk all over me” Presidents are shocked when someone stands up to the bullies.
As far as I am concerned, BOTH of them gave us the worst Presidents ever by their “take the high road” crap.
30 posted on
11/04/2017 10:57:28 AM PDT by
(Every Californian who supported "sanctuary state" has blood and ashes on his/her hands)
To: Liberty7732
For a man who wished to keep his trap shut in speaking of Presidents in office - this little twerp has been yacking against our current President, with little effort. The next time he is seen, only hope it will be his rear heading out of town.
32 posted on
11/04/2017 11:03:10 AM PDT by
V K Lee
(DJT: "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. ")
To: Liberty7732
Too late. He already finished that job.
33 posted on
11/04/2017 11:07:02 AM PDT by
To: Liberty7732
36 posted on
11/04/2017 11:09:49 AM PDT by
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: Liberty7732
Who is really taking here. Is this father and son or who I think is the real power player, the one who influences them. That would be Barbara Bush....
40 posted on
11/04/2017 11:19:21 AM PDT by
(Do you hear the people singing? The Song of Angry of Men!....)
To: Liberty7732
41 posted on
11/04/2017 11:30:57 AM PDT by
()-: There is nothing democratic about the democrat party :-()
To: Liberty7732
43 posted on
11/04/2017 11:51:29 AM PDT by
(#covfefe lives!)
To: Liberty7732
quote “Maybe somebody needs to remind W that he gave America Barack Obama and Democrat super-majorities in Congress”
um... THAT’s what he is mad about ! The Bush’s wanted liberals in power!
To: Liberty7732
I wasn’t going to comment but hopefully one of their aides will read FR and realize that we solid conservatives think they are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy off base and will STFU.
How DARE they criticize DJT after keeping their yaps shut during the reign of Terror (Ohumma)
46 posted on
11/04/2017 12:12:30 PM PDT by
(press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally)
To: Liberty7732
Former President George W. Bush and his father, former President George H.W. Bush, both criticize President Trump in a new book to be released this month, with George W. Bush admitting that, despite Trumps political affiliation, hes worried that I will be the last Republican president.
Both men led a failed failed presidency. G. H. W. Bush was booted after one term, for a man with zero character. He couldn't convert for the second term. That's a massive fail against the likes of Bill Clinton. G. W. Bush walked out of the White House at the end of his presidency, leaving behind very few jobs created under his term in office. He also left the nation on the verge of economic ruin. Not since the Great Depression had our nation been in such dire straights. The national debt went up aroun 90% on his eight year watch.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was the last true Republican in the White House, but that fails to address the truth that the Republicans of the day weren't fully supportive of him.
Trump is the closest to holding true Republican ideals since President Reagan. In some ways, he's actually approaching being better than Reagan. I don't say that to denigrate Reagan in any way. I love the man. He turned this nation around in another time of desparity, following on Carter. I will always hold him in very high esteem.
Neither G. H. W. Bush or G. W. Bush were true Republicans. They were moderates. Translated, that means a warmed over Leftist. They pretended to be Republicans, and a lot of people fell for it.
Let's recall, neither of these men had word one to say about Clinton or Obama. G. W. thought so highly of Bill Clinton that he appointed him to a lead position in the Indian Ocean Tsunami relief effort, in effect rehabbing his character in public. He thought so highly of Obama, that he never found one thing to criticize, or if he did, it was done in such a manner as to have been almost invisible to the public. None the less, both these men are plenty happy to attack Trump at will. This is breathtakingly ill advised, and despicable.
George H.W. Bush also calls Trump a blowhard in the book, The Last Republicans, by Mark K. Updegrove, which was previewed by The New York Times and CNN on Friday. "I don't like him. I don't know much about him, but I know he's a blowhard. And I'm not too excited about him being a leader, the senior Bush said, according to the author. He also commented on Trumps ego.
G. H. W. Bush, knows nothing about Trump, but he's sure he's an egotistical blowhard. This from a guy that couldn't find anything wrong with Bill Clinton when running against him in 1992. Egotistical? Blowhard? Why certainly not Clinton. LOL I am willing to grant G. H. W. some grace for his words, seeing as how he is so old and I think over the edge into non-reality. As for G. W., not a chance.
Wow, this guy doesn't know what it means to be president, the younger Bush said. He indicated that a president should not exploit the anger, incite it but rather come up with ideas to deal with it.
How can G. W. say this, knowing what Obama did along the same lines? How can he say it in light of what is said in the very next paragraph? Where is reality in any of this? This stuff is just unhinged.
Neither man voted for Trump in the last election, and George H.W. Bush confirms in the book that he voted for Hillary Clinton. George W. Bush said he left the top of his ballot blank and did not vote for Clinton because she has bad judgment.
I hope all the FReepers who trashed me for not backing the best Conservative president we every had, are reading this. I've actually had some of them tell me G. W. Bush was a better president than Reagan. G. W. was never a Conservative, and now it's clear he is barely a Republican. Still, he's "CONCERNED!". Incredible!
The White House on Saturday responded to the criticism revealed in the new book.
"The American people voted to elect an outsider who is capable of implementing real, positive, and needed change - instead of a lifelong politician beholden to special interests," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. "If they were interested in continuing decades of costly mistakes, another establishment politician more concerned with putting politics over people would have won.
Pop and Poopie are a disgrace to the cause...
To: Liberty7732
Bush couldn’t believe he was stopped in trying to open the borders!
48 posted on
11/04/2017 1:09:04 PM PDT by
(Pr 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation:but sin is a reproach to any people)
To: Liberty7732
I hope Donald Trump blows up the republican party the Bushs say they created. Blow up real good.
To: Liberty7732
To: Liberty7732
...the two former presidents are reportedly worried that President Trump is blowing up the GOP that they created. That is one of the main reasons I voted for The Donald. MAGA!
52 posted on
11/04/2017 3:00:08 PM PDT by
(0bama. The Legacy is a lie. The lie is the Legacy.)
To: Liberty7732
These guys are all in bed with the rats
53 posted on
11/04/2017 4:22:44 PM PDT by
ronnie raygun
(Trump plays chess the rest are still playing checkers)
To: Liberty7732
According to The New York Times the two former presidents are reportedly worried that President Trump is blowing up the GOP that they created. Also known as draining the swamp. We can only hope so.
54 posted on
11/04/2017 5:00:54 PM PDT by
(Conservatism without Nationalism is a fraud.)
To: Liberty7732
White guys like me never get credit for the stuff we blow up.
55 posted on
11/04/2017 5:05:18 PM PDT by
The Toll
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