“I personally, have no use for these contraptions because I like having more control over the ultimate destination of my rounds, but I do not care. Bans on hardware like this is stupid and completely useless.”
However, I take some issue with your statement that “bans on hardware like this is stupid and completely useless.” Yeah, it is stupid and useless - from OUR point of view. But from the POV of the Schumers and Feinsteins, you accomplish several important things:
1) You establish that inanimate objects DO cause crime. This gives you a BIG wedge to do the same thing later with more significant items;
2) You reinforce with your base and your supporters in Congress that making enough noise gets you somewhere - “somewhere” being defined as a political victory. They don’t give a damn about actual effectiveness of the legislation - in fact, I’m convinced that they are happier when a new law doesn’t work, because then they can come back for more saying “we’re not trying hard enough, we can’t keep compromising with the NRA.”
3) You tick off many NRA members, causing it to lose numbers and donations.
Understand that this is a long-term battle for the soul of our society. The other side wants us to be defenseless. They understand that it is going to take a LONG time to do that, but they never give up, they never pass up on even the smallest legislative, judicial or regulatory victory, and use ALL of them to win in the court of Public Opinion. We have backed up far enough, mostly without getting a single thing in return. It is time to stop giving, and start TAKING BACK.
Another thing to look at is how the government treats us now, with over 400 million guns in civilian hands. Now consider what they would do if there were effectively none...and EVERY victory that the other side has makes that very scary scenario more possible.
“Never give in. Never, never, never give in.” - Winston Churchill
worth repeating.