I bet 100 to 1 Justin Trudeau is secretly behind this. I have no evidence, but just a gut feeling.
When I a high school student back in the mid to late 1980s, I knew a few people who went on a field trip to New York City (I did the same a little later in May 1989). In any event, one of the places they went to see was the U.N. Headquarters and when they were there, the tour guide asked to have the Canadian flag pointed out because they themselves could not remember what it looked like. Seems the same intellect level is still running that place, eh?
Take off with your paying slavery reparations, eh?
Didn’t the underground railroad transport slaves to Canada for protection?
It is interesting that the biggest organization of slave dealers on earth, Moslems being historically and currently the biggest slaveholders and dealers in the world, is demanding reparations from Canada.
The United Nations has become a joke and trag
And in America, Canada, the United Kingdom, etc, etc.... Rich people will always have slaves. Slaves that they pay a pittance to and slaves they don't pay at all and they're are plenty of United Nation diplomats who have slaves.
Obviously, while the UN might have hosted President Trump, they didn’t listen to a word he said.
Check the shelf pull date on the UN. I think it is expired.
They'd wind up listing only themselves: an old, old story, "Make us a ruling oligarchy with absolute power, and all will be well," and that's when the reign of terror and ghastly mass murder begin.
And Canada being the Lefty Cucks they are, will probably pay.
This is nuts...
During the American Revolution, Loyalists brought their slaves with them from the US colonies...
The British announced that any slaves who fought with the Loyalists were given their freedom...the slaves did receive their freedom and settled in Canada along with their former “masters”...they had land,, farmed etc and had somewhat equal opportunities...
There were many black Loyalists...
The Underground Railroad ended at a church in Niagara aided by former black slaves and descendants of those slaves...
Africa: (2016 Class) Egypt, Rawanda, South Africa & Tunisia. (2015 Class) Burundi, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya & Togo. (2014 Class) Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria & Republic of Congo.
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Regular meeting in March, June & September. Special sessions when called for by 16 of 47 members.
Mice belling the cat with impunity. What a FARCE!
Reason #26,987 why the Useless Nations is a waste of taxpayers money.