Many tweets from death penalty opponents, some pro. A sampling:
>#GaryOtte is a #Mormon, @JohnKasich, he’s repented. He’ll be with God, Do you plan to repent, Sir? Stop killing! I pray for you too!
>>@MaryTaylorOH @JohnKasich Where Mercy Is Shown, Mercy Is Given. Do You Need Mercy? I know I do! #GaryOtte #Mercy
(Otte did not show mercy to his victims)
>>>#garyotte set to be executed at 10. Right now his parents are visiting with him #lastmeal #mushroomcheeseburger
>>>>#KILLtheKILLERS Liberal bleeding hearts like Prejean are an embarrassment to the world. @DPFocus @dpinfoctr @aclu #NEXT #GaryOtte
>>>>>Gary Otte brutally murdered two innocent people in 1992, Robert Wasikowski and Sharon Kostura. He killed them for no reason.
>>>>>>>>@JohnKasich Counting mins ‘til you’re murdered is ‘cruel & unusual’ Time to leave #deathpenalty in the past #OhNoOhio #GaryOtte
Ohio set to execute murderer
“I say, hey, oh, way to go, Ohio...”
—The Pretenders “My City Was Gone” (Rush’s theme song)
Liberals turn murderers about to be executed into victims.