Mr. French is one of those who believe we can have national security without border security.
How many Americans were killed by "jihadist terrorists" on U.S. soil before 9/11?
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Personal opinion. It should never have happened on anybody’s watch ever, and Islam has not been repaid for their handiwork.
Nobody can tell me ever that Islam is a religion of peace.
French - aptly named. He’s willing to give up his liberties for the illusion of security.
GWB with his anti-trump BS is just another rino like his brother and McConnell and Ryan. He should STFU forever and go away.
I strongly supported the initial invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, but learned my lesson on “nation building”. A nation either has their own Jefferson, Madison, and Adams or they don’t. These (and other) third-world crap-holes with warlord tribes will never exit the 9th Century by external means. Liberty blossoms from the civil society, not the tip of a bayonet.
Get out, and stay out!
“... worst attack on American soil since the British burned Washington, D.C., during the War of 1812.”
Pearl Harbor? Seems like that one was pretty bad. Hawaii wasn’t a state yet, but it was American soil.
And how many were killed on US soil prior to Mr Bush's policies? Wasn't it "none"?
You aren't offering a very honest measure of success now, are you?
Lots of kicked-dog Bushies coming after Bannon today.
Sorry but complete idiot more closely describes what Bush ended up doing in Afghanistan and Iraq than Bush acolytes describing the six thousand American dead, tens of thousands more physically and psychologically maimed, the fruitless “nation building” as necessary effective sacrifices. Bush never really understood the nature of the threat, was blinded by his family’s ties to the Saudis and the wealth it created for them and ended up creating innumerable needless enemies of the American people. What is more Bush squandered so many resources that it led to the economic crisis of 2007-8 and the election of the vile Obama. Sorry but Bush was weak and stupid.
Wasn’t this guy Bill Kristol’s or Mitt Romney’s secret weapon for a few days in 2016?
I guess the thousands of good Americans killed, tens of thousands horribly wounded, and hundreds of thousands of Iraquis killed, wounded, etc., because of the neocon’s fantasies and GWB’s ignorance and mismanagement, just don’t count. The author can obfuscate by responding to something other than what Bannon said, but he can’t undo Bush’s unnecessary war or the neocon job that got us there.
David French the Never Trumper who thought he could run against DJT
He is an idiot. Sorry I am underwhelmed by the Bush foreign was all about nation building
...and yet, now you cannot travel to any remote corner of the entire country without seeing burqa-clad or hijab-clad women. Their men are committing terrible crimes all over the country and justice is not being served (e.g, Twin Falls, ID). The entire nation is cowed and afraid to speak out against the evil that is islam.
So, I ask you, in the sixteen years just passed, who won?
Going after the jihadis full bore was a good move. Nation building? Not so much.
What there's disagreement about is Bush's other war, the "war of choice" in Iraq, the war for the "nation building" that Bush said he wasn't going to try to do.
David French=douche nozzle