He can even get food from the boarders?
Not unless you sign up for the Dhimmicrap Party.
Wow, maybe conservatism really does end up being just liberalism from a few years ago.
Nobody gets across MY boarder. I need their rent checks.
That was the logic behind sending Elian Gonzalez back to his father in Cuba, even though, with Cuban refugees only, we had the policy of letting them stay if they made it here alive.
This is so confusing because in football if you break the plane it’s a touchdown.
Illegal aliens are just that, citizens of other countries who are in our country illegally.
Bringing children across international borders should be prosecuted.
Any amnesty for the kids should require that the parents must leave.
I wish we would prepare to “repel all boarders”.
Hillary Clinton - 2014 - regarding immigration
Listen closely at the 50 second mark...
“We have to send a clear message.
Just because your child gets across the border,
that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay.”
...and all the Republicans have to do is take the 10 second sound bite and RUN ADVERTISEMENTS with it...but they will not...instead they’re too busy trying to engineer and finance Roy Moore’s defeat.
How much is the boarder paying for his lodging?
It takes a village of bought-off crooks to get a kid across the boarder and into a crib for John Podesta.
How many ghost written books has this broken down hag peddled total?
Hippo-krit. She talks out all three sides of her mouth! Go away demoncraps, go away!
BORDER ....not Boarder
Was this translated from Mexican?