The storm was Hurricane Joaquin (2015).
Haha -glad you found that. I was trying to pull it up here,
but I’ll be darned if I can get the filters and such to actually narrow the search. (”Basins” worked for me at one point, but after that, I got more results, not less. I guess I’m not enough of a computer geek, after all!)
It looks like Great Inagua Island (Bahamas) should now be through the worst Irma will throw at it?
I thought maybe that island would be big enough to diminish Irma a bit, but, it’s mostly flat, 1/4 of it is inland lakes (probably very warm?), and the highest spot is only 132 ft. elevation. Other stats: 596 sq. miles, under 2 people / sq. mile, home to a large Morton Salt facility (#2 producer of “solar” sea salt in the world), and also home of a large avian sanctuary, with over 80,000 West Indian flamingos, as well as many other species. It is also home to a sea turtle sanctuary, as is the island of “Little Inagua”. Damage to the salt factory is unknown; I’d think the birds must be in a very bad way; maybe the turtles did better?