Posted on 08/28/2017 7:57:22 AM PDT by Kaslin
It's been nearly sixteen years since that horrific Islamist terror attack in New York City on 9/11 where nearly 3000 Americans were murdered in the name of Allah. That day that will forever live in infamy and etched into America's psyche. While the bodies of those killed were still being counted, we recall former President George W. Bush holding a press conference and defensively proclaiming "Islam is a religion of peace" while half a dozen Muslims (among them Nihad Awad, the founder of CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood front group) stood directly behind him. Since that fateful day, we have had numerous Islamist attacks (Boston, Orlando, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Columbus, and countless lesser known attacks) while the number of Muslim immigrants permitted entry onto our shores continues to grow at an accelerated pace.
The proclamation uttered by President Bush is factually false. Islamic doctrine, Islamic law (Sharia), and the Quran mandate Jihad against non-believers. The question that needed to be raised then and now is why would a sitting President, who promised to secure our country from within and without, provide cover for those who perpetrated the attack against us? Furthermore, in a telling moment gone unnoticed by most Americans, why were the representatives of Muslim Brotherhood front groups invited to stand behind him as he uttered that patently false statement? Nihad Awad, a founder of the Council of American Islamic Relations, was a member of Hamas. He formed CAIR to be the public relations arm of Hamas in the United States. His organization, along with dozens more, is named in the Strategic Outline for North America known as an Explanatory Memorandum, and was underwritten in 1987 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
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It usually seems to me it did. New York seems to have
Liberals and Democrats have.
What we have is the world’s first hyperpower - with all the will of a mouse.
Liberals, Democrats and the GOPe have.
Yep, them RINO’s too. Plus the MSMLSD. All of them have rolled over for islam. (I refuse to capitalize the “I”)
No, but it did in 2008.
They may not have surrendered but history is recording a massive example of the Stockholm Syndrome. Seven years after 9/11, the nation elected a man with profound open Muslim sympathies who made no secret of his agenda. The Muslims even came close to erecting a victory mosque at the WTC site.
We may not have surrendered 16 years ago, but the jihadists have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams at destroying America. Liberals, progs, leftists of all stripes make it almost impossible to speak out against the moslem pestilence. Moslem immigration is uncontrolled and under the guise of admitting “refugees.” Entire cities, towns, and small regions are moslem. Mosques are being built at a furious pace. Sharia law is seriously being considered in parts of the country. Congress is completely cowed and won’t act. Democrats need new voters since they have completely alienated almost all whites, so they are eager to let them in. Moslems are sneaked into remote parts of the country under cover of darkness by government-funded ultra liberal “religious” groups and the locals are powerless to keep them out. There isn’t a corner of the U.S. where you can visit today where you won’t see hijabs and full burqas. Just the fact that we even know what “hijab” and “burqa” mean is seriously telling.
Almost everybody acts oblivious to the existential danger we are in. The U.S. is so screwed by 9/11 and the enemies within our borders.
It is forbidden to discuss what the Deep State does on a Tuesday. This is a form of surrender.
If we'd surrendered, Jebster wouldn't be riging on the cart with his fellow SOXtards.
Well said.
Don’t forget the Democrats in R jerseys.
The Kenyanesian Usurpation could not have happened without the complete cooperation of BOTH parties.
The only good islam is a destroyed islam.
Post 9/11 President Bush grounded all civilian aircraft flights in the US except those to round up and evacuate wealthy Saudi Arabians including Osama Bin-Laden’s extended family.
Then he attacked Iraq, home of none of the 9/11 terrorists.
But did not take any retaliatory action against Saudi Arabia, home country of 15 of the 19 al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks as well as the home country of Osama Bin-Laden, creator and founder of founder of al-Qaeda.
Bin Laden from Hell says mission accomplished. Appeasement actually did not take that long after 9/11.Even he could not foresee the accomplishment of the spread of jihad,caliphate and sharia. He would not like the Shia influence in the Mideast but other than that, the West is bending the knee on the way to full capitulation to Islam.
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