Here’s my takeaway from this asinine article:
People who like the Latin Mass and Evangelicals are kooks, and Jason Kessler who is supposedly a Charlottesville neo-nazi was once an Occupy Wall Streeter
Therefore, Libertarianism is a pipeline to fascism.
Got it??
The author is an idiot. They whole Latin Mass prelude was disjointed, unnecessary and added NOTHING to the main arguments.
Other than that.... “Libertarianism is a pipeline to fascism”.
But there have been people who moved from libertarianism or quasi-libertarian isolationism to Holocaust denial to something close to fascism or Nazism, or from libertarianism to neo-Confederatism to racism, so he's not entirely wrong.
Somebody else would have done a better job making the argument, but they'd do better to figure out just what was going on with this Jason Kessler dude. He was never a libertarian, so far as I know.
Just another leftist trying to widen the net, so that no "non believes" escape.
They do the same thing with every new contrived outrage that sticks to the wall for more than 2 days.