What a mass of confusion.
Wait until the Lying Left has moved on. Trump needs to not let these idiots distract him from his mission - the whole reason for all of this.
When they finally move on, then conduct a quiet, thorough investigation away from the incendiary hoopla and bullhorns of the Lying Leftist media. Almost certainly, as with the multiple crimes and misdeeds of Obama and Hillary, if there was Russian interference in the election, almost certainly he’ll find it happened through the LYING LEFT.
In the meantime, what about the multiple crimes and misdeeds of Obama and Hillary from which all of this b/s is meant to deflect? I hope these DNC operatives get nailed.
Trump is actually getting a lot done, and the Russia distraction has helped.
The real reason for RussiaRussiaRussia is to keep people from asking,
“Who killed Seth Rich for leaking the DNC e-mails?”
The Left is never going to move on from this.
My granddaughters will be taught that Triump and Russia stole this election from the kind, gentle, intelligent, experienced and statesmanlike Hillary