Listening to a conservative news program speaking on the throngs of social justice teachers and professors who are skilled and schooled on progressing this agenda. Reprogramming the younger population coming up into hating who and what they are and what this country stands for. This is the evil undercurrent that is eating us from the inside out
Last night at a friend's house to check-in on their kitty, I noticed a book laying on the office desk (there's a litter box in there) and it was a book of psychology regarding Borderline Personality Disorder.
Kitty was looking for her snuggle time and I sat down and mindlessly opened the book. It opened to the most astounding two pages I think I have ever read in my entire life. Yes, just two pages and what I read rocked my world perception of our culture.
The two pages talked about the 'invalidating environment,' and how it contributes to Borderline Personality Disorder. We look around at our younger generations and ponder their seemingly weird reactions to reality. But, what has been done to them is most of their interactions with the world have been invalidated. Either through a broken family, no father/mother figure, drugs, video games, etc. coupled with the everyone wins mentality that has permeated our culture now for several decades. Everyone wins and none are validated in their own emotions or self-esteem.
This has now left them open to all sorts of manipulations by these professors and social justice teachers. Suddenly, there is an authority figure validating their emotions and feelings, even if those feelings are misplaced in reality.
From pages 49-50 of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder by Marsha Linehan: An invalidating environment is one in which communication of private experiences is met by erratic, inappropriate, and extreme responses. In other words, the expression of private experiences is not validated; instead, it is often punished and/or trivialized. The experience of painful emotions, as well as the factors that to the emotional person seem causally related to the emotional distress, are disregarded. The individuals interpretations of her own behavior, including the experience of the intents and motivations associated with the behavior, are dismissed.
Invalidation has two primary characteristics. First, it tells the individual that she is wrong in both her description and her analyses of her own experiences, particularly in her views of what is causing her own emotions, beliefs, and actions. Second, it attributes her experiences to socially unacceptable characteristics of personality traits. The environment may insist that the individual feels what she says she does not (You are angry, but you just wont admit it), likes or prefers what she says she does not (the proverbial When she says no, she means yes), or has done what she said she did not. Negative emotional expressions may be attributed to traits such as overreactivity, oversensitivity, paranoia, a distorted view of events, or failure to adopt a positive attitude. Behaviors that have unintended negative consequences for others may be attributed to hostile or manipulative motives. Failure, or any deviation from socially defined success, is labeled as resulting from lack of motivation, lack of discipline, not trying hard enough, or the like. Positive emotional expressions, beliefs, and action plans may be similarly invalidated by being attributed to lack of discrimination, naivete, overidealization, or immaturity. In any case, the individuals private experiences and emotional expressions are not viewed as valid responses to events.
This younger generation comes from the largest set of broken/divorced families ever, they come from a generation that early on taught them everyone wins, everyone gets a ribbon and none go home disappointed. But the reality was some went home disappointed, the kids that were good at something and better than their peers. They went home 'invalidated.' Now they go to college and find themselves in a sea of unfounded, unrealistic, not based in reality hatred from their peers who never learned to deal with their own disappointments, challenges, or broken families.
So now swoop in the social justice teacher to validate the hatred kids AND validate the 'white' kids feelings of self-loathing. Viola! A whole generation of snowflakes via progressive manipulation of the environment.