Most have sed it is unbecoming a president I say Trump knows how to play these simpletons, he throws out some bird seed to the rat pigeons they run to it and he passes kates law without a peep
“ is unbecoming a president ...”
It’s WAY past time for being “above the fray” and polite to those assholes on the left. I don’t believe in being polite to psychopaths who want to TRY to take my Rights away.
They’ve deserved a 2x4 to the face for a long time now, and he’s giving it to them.
And so did we, in the election, for that matter.
More to come...
Oh! Now I know why he did it. He is positively brilliant.
The idiots are indeed the ones not understanding Trump’s metaphore of the fake news bleeding face lift of the media.
Rinos are cowards who never fight back. Democrats are utterly insane
Most have said it is unbecoming a president
Because previous presidents have set such high standards of conduct.