Oh here we go again with another stuffed shirt who thinks only he does "real" science. You intellectual pygmies are so predictable.
Real science did away with the concept of abiogenesis with Redi in the 1600's, Pasteur in the 1800s, and with the failures of the Miller-Urey experiments in the 1950's.
Your challenge is to show how you create life from that which is non-life. I'll be particularly interested to see how you over come inherently self-destructive "primordial" environments, or if you even had the sparingly possible success of creating the simplest amino acids, how you would favor selection in all the randomness of biologically active levo- forms from competitively present non-biologically active dextro- forms.
"Complexify" that!
It's OK, we'll just sit back and wait. I'll get the popcorn.
macroevolution is impossible mathematically, chemically, thermodynamically- biologically- and that lateral gene transference has no real world higher species examples- symbiotic parasitic infections are not gene transference- but they conveniently ignored all those facts. The world’s top mathemeticians held several symposiums proving that macroevoltuion is so far beyond the upper probability limits that it is impossible- not by a little, but by such a significant amount that the hypothesis of macroevolution is not possible-
“You intellectual pygmies are so predictable.”
You won’t score any points in the discussion with name calling, which is usually an excuse for failing to make your point. Save your popcorn for the ball game.
“nge is to show how you create life from that which is non-life”
GOD did it. Now can we all go home?
I note from your other posts (ie #377) that you are here as an insult artist.
So your function is not to review or debate ideas, but to pretend that your own overwhelming godlike knowledge makes any disagreement with you a matter of simple rebellious ignorance.
So we don't expect rational discourse from Agamemnon, fine.
Agamemnon: "Real science did away with the concept of abiogenesis with Redi in the 1600's, Pasteur in the 1800s, and with the failures of the Miller-Urey experiments in the 1950's."
What real science learned is that abiogenisis does not jump instantly from nothing to some complex life form.
But Miller-Uray was very successful in demonstrating that organic chemicals form naturally, inevitably, under certain conditions.
Whether those or different conditions existed somewhere on early Earth is debatable, but what's not debatable is the natural occurrence of organic compounds not only on Earth but in outer space.
That brings us up to the 1950's.
Since the 1950s much additional work has been done to identify what natural conditions will force simple organic compounds to "complexify".
And at this point I have to refer you to experts, which I again promise I will, soon as I'm home again.
Agamemnon: "Your challenge is to show how you create life from that which is non-life.
I'll be particularly interested to see how you over come inherently self-destructive 'primordial' environments, or if you even had the sparingly possible success of creating the simplest amino acids, how you would favor selection in all the randomness of biologically active levo- forms from competitively present non-biologically active dextro- forms."
If you imagine a process of natural "complexification" requiring, let's say, a million baby-steps, and that at some range within those steps complex organic chemistry might be said to have become "lifelike", then I would suppose, as of today, a hand-full of those natural steps are identified & even duplicated in labs.
Again, I'll refer you to experts, of whom there are many.
Agamemnon: "Complexify" that!
It's OK, we'll just sit back and wait.
I'll get the popcorn."
Thanks for your patience.
If you are by some chance more interested in the subject matter than in insults, you won't be disappointed.